Tag: Culture of Food Service

Enter Analytics

Analytics is increasingly important given the shift in what customers want, their changing buying behavior, and imposed limitations on how businesses are run. 

Before, analytics was of importance only to the big retail giants.  Now, partly to avoid exposure to Covid, more people are leaving corporate jobs to start their own businesses.  As one Washington Post headline reads, “American’s unemployed are sending a message: They’ll go back to work when they feel safe – and well-compensated” (https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2021/10/08/september-jobs-report-takeaway/).

More customers are turning to different service methods to avoid getting sick or dealing with new rules for being in public.  Managers balance the shortage of employees with the demands of customers.  This requires executives to rethink their culture.  They face a choice between trying to conduct business as usual with a few (or many) modifications or expanding into a new marketplace.  Adaptations to curbside pickup, service over the phone, precautionary measures, and keeping up with local regulations are challenging and necessary. 

Before the pandemic, I was consulting a publishing company focused on retaining talent. There was clarity among leadership that most jobs paid the same across the board in the various publishing roles. The trick was figuring out how to hold onto their staff, who could easily quit and join a different publishing company. The hands-down choice was for this company to focus on how their people are treated and valued.

How Food Service Changed due to Covid

As with everything else, Covid changed the way foodservice works.  For a time, restaurants had to shut down due to stay-at-home orders and social distancing rules.  During the month of March, roughly 3 million jobs and $25 billion in sales were lost in the restaurant industry.  Many of these businesses never recovered.  The ones that did were resilient, innovative, or had money in the bank.  Some received governmental assistance, and that cannot be counted on as a business strategy.

Additionally, during the past six months, the price of food has risen exponentially.  In an industry where the profit margin is often low, owners can raise the prices to their customers or cut back on selection or quality.  This is a significant balancing act.

The safety of customers and employees paired with health department regulations may change how you serve food, seat people, and run kitchen operations.  You might think outside the box, offering curbside pickup, creating a new seating arrangement, or offering outdoor seating.  This can be a sensitive subject among employees and customers and must be treated with care.

Culture that Works

I caught up with consultant, John Benson who manages a portfolio of retail concerns in the food industry for a global professional services company.  As we discussed our combined years of experience with restaurants across all sectors: some of which have had challenging cultures and some that have created a culture of caring for people, one example of the latter that stands out among its competitors is Chick-fil-A. Or as expressed in a 2015 Forbes article, “A culture that lasts” according to contributing writer, Kevin Kruse.

The fact that the company’s culture was created out of a deep commitment to becoming something bigger than its founder, S. Truett Cathy is compelling. Cathy is sighted for his wisdom and humility to leave an organization with “an enduring culture that values people above everything else. That takes a true interest in doing more than just achieving a bottom line outcome. It takes a visionary leader who is willing to do what is necessary in order to achieve a culture where people can be proud of the work they do for the community that patronizes them. It’s the type of commitment that seems inherent in what Benson sees as the five main points he learned about leadership during his time in the marine corps.

“The 5 points that drive how a culture will manifest,” says John Benson, “are value proposition, target customer, core capabilities, revenue and cost model.” These five strategic points blended together bring about the culture a business will manifest for its people to work in, its customers to shop in, and for its products and services to flourish in the marketplace to gain profits and market share.

John’s background in the Marine Corps also gave rise to other principles that blend well, even within the retail environment. Those principals are steeped in 14 traits and 11 leadership styles, ranging from how you treat and present yourself, how you train employees, and how you handle adversity and success (see the Founder’s Corner for more).

Building a Cultural Approach

As a manager, your first task is to determine the culture of your organization.  Using the results, you can map out an approach for meeting current changes that are useful to you.  The first three steps of the REACH™ tool help determine what makes your company tick and how you can more effectively navigate its structure to determine what type of change is most beneficial.  Then you will discover how to draw on trends to successfully shift the landscape of how your business runs more efficiently. 

  • Root – Study your organization’s history and understand how it got to its current state and what makes it grow and evolve.
  • Establish – Determine the fundamental elements of your corporate culture.  Do they align you’re your overall strategy?  What is necessary to change?
  • Assess – Analyze what is working and determine what improvements will benefit the whole.  Break these down in order of critical importance and impact to the organization.

The process of change and building on your successes will come later and focusing on these three steps will define your cultural approach.

Successful Practices in Food Service Management

The thing that is seemingly missing from a list of job duties (and is interwoven into each one) is defining culture and empowering employees to embrace their role.  This single concept will unite or divide and make the difference between an organization hanging together by a thread one that is well run.  Here are some obvious steps to take in daily operations.

  • Take time during the hiring process to find team members that fit within your culture.  Even though it might be hard these days to find employees, it’s better to wait for the right person rather than deal with potential problems later.
  • It is essential to nurture and invest in your management staff.  Have a supervisor on every shift to enforce the systems you put into place.  Consistency is critical whether there are 5 or 200 customers.
  • When there is an issue with a particular employee or team, deal with that immediately.  They may be naysayers or underperformers.  Acknowledge the difficulties and address attitude issues.  Spend time training or explaining why things are done in a certain way.  Invest in education and coaching.  Listen to workers at all levels – ideas come from everywhere!
  • Provide a career path.  Employees may leave because they feel they have nowhere to go in an organization.  Someone who clears tables or washes dishes can move up to prep cook with some encouragement. It’s sometimes easier to train an existing employee than to find a new one.

Step back periodically to take a look at the whole picture.  Use tools to evaluate whether your culture is working or must be adapted to the changing environment.

Manager as Leader

“The best managers lead, the best leaders tell stories, the best stories are personal.”

-Noel Tichy

While managing and leading are different roles, the former is a stepping stone to the latter requiring specific skills and behaviors that without, an organizations leadership fails to tap into what makes up its secret sauce. As in every case, a well-run organization’s most crucial role is to prepare for the future by way of its action in the present.

One invaluable way to accomplish preparing for the future is by sharing the organization’s past and the past of the people that make it work. It is the story of where the organization began, its development and growth to become what it is today. It is the story of its people that when told, can inspire others and motivate them to carry the torch forward over time to even greater heights of success.

This is where an organization’s leadership can profit by learning how to tell the story that develops talent beyond just a set of steps, processes and procedures needing to be followed in order to accomplish its day-to-day activities. This is a talent that can be developed much as it was developed in me as a young man growing up visiting my grandparent’s farm where my grandfather was a noted master of telling stories. It is a talent handed down to all my relatives, some of whom are professional storytellers such as myself.

I can help you develop those same skills that I’ve taught worldwide to help companies gain the footing necessary to outlast its competition that may not see the need to make such an investment. To learn more about how you can develop the talent of storytelling in business, click the link below and schedule a strategy session to learn how we might work together!

The Role of a Manager

One’s role as a manager of a restaurant or other foodservice establishment is critical to its success.  They are in charge of making sure the establishment runs smoothly and efficiently.  This could involve:

  • Administration – coordinating front and back-of-house operations, taking reservations, and handling any problems that arise
  • Customer service – handling customer inquiries and complaints and ensuring the customers have a pleasant dining experience
  • Human resources – hiring, training, and managing sufficient staff; optimizing workflow and productivity
  • Supply chain and procurement – planning menus and ensuring the right food is ordered, the quality of the food, and its storage. It is making sure that inventory is in good order and abundant 
  • Health & safety – could range from the safety of the food to procedures in the kitchen and ensuring there are no accidents
  • Compliance – making sure all rules and regulations are followed and ensuring compliance with internal policies and procedures
  • Accounting and marketing – checking bottom-line profits and promoting the restaurant
  • Leadership – strong capacity for leading others while forging a path toward leadership readiness and visionary capability.

This can be challenging to juggle the many hats required for a successful operation. This is especially true for the manager who wants to be seen as having the ability to go beyond managing to becoming leadership material worthy of greater opportunities. Implementing systems such as checklists, item trackers, or waste trackers can help. Yet, leadership requires more.

The Culture of Food Service

Culture affects every aspect of our lives, and the foodservice industry is no exception.  There is a complex dynamic between operations with the goal of customer service balanced with bottom-line profits.  Culture speaks to managers that manage operations, employees, and a customer’s experience.

When we walk into a food establishment and either sit down to eat or order at the counter, we have expectations.  There is a pleasant atmosphere, timely delivery of appropriately hot or cold food, friendly staff that fulfills our needs, and space to enjoy our meal.  We rarely think about what goes on behind the scenes to get the food on our plates.  When we are content, the manager and staff have done their job.

To reach this goal, the manager must bring all roles together into a cohesive unit that attracts and keep customers.  Whether an employee is there to make ends meet or build a career, their role in projecting company culture is equally important.  Everyone from the maître d’ to the person bussing tables plays a role, and when even one person in the chain misses the mark, the whole process can be thrown into chaos. 

Founder’s Corner: Culture of Food Service

I’ve learned a thing or two about hospitality and the food & beverage industries over time. I spent nearly twelve years covering the spectrum from working as a bag boy sacking groceries with a large corporate grocer to making pizza in a corporate restaurant chain. Then stepping into the gourmet catering industry which set me up for high end steak house restaurant chains that followed. Eventually I made my way into hospitality serving in the banquet departments of medium to upscale hotel chains.

Those experiences led me to more upscale restaurant concerns until I landed in five star dining rooms. I often quip that I’ve done just about everything from pizza to five star dining. Along the way I’ve been introduced to many approaches to leadership, largely due to my personal belief that we are all leaders in one capacity or another. As long as we are influencing others to follow our lead, in those moments we are essentially leading others who chose to follow. It’s a dance between those who aspire to lead and those who chose to allow us to do so by following.

How one manages the terrain of leading people effectively boils down to one overarching concept, credibility. Without which we have little to support us and less to back us up in the eyes of our followers. In the book, Credibility, by James M. Kouzes and Barry Z. Posner the authors dive into leadership from the perspective that most people are driven by many of the same things. Essentially, people are energized by values and visions that give life meaning and purpose. Kouzes and Posner further note that we all vote for something even in the event it may not appear as clear cut as pulling a leaver, checking off a box with a candidate’s name or to support or not, an initiative or ideal whose time may have come.

You might think of your vote as something you stand for and are committed to, that serves as your NorthStar. In that light, the 14 leadership traits and 11 leadership principles of the Marine Corps provide us with guidelines. A set of ideals worth considering as we look at their impact in shaping our thoughts about effective leadership in any culture or industry.

The fourteen leadership traits can be remembered with the acronym, JJDIDTIEBUCKLE.

  1. Justice
  2. Judgement
  3. Dependability
  4. Initiative
  5. Decisiveness
  6. Tact
  7. Integrity
  8. Enthusiasm
  9. Bearing or the carriage and movement a person possesses that leaves a favorable impression on others.
  10. Unselfishness
  11. Courage
  12. Knowledge
  13. Loyalty
  14. Endurance

The eleven Leadership Principles are:

  1. Know yourself and seek self-improvement
  2. Be technically and tactically proficient
  3. Know your people and look out for their welfare
  4. Keep your personnel informed
  5. Set the example
  6. Ensure that the task is understood, supervised and accomplished
  7. Train your people as a team
  8. Make sound and timely decisions
  9. Develop a sense of responsibility among your subordinates
  10. Employ your command within its capabilities
  11. Seek responsibilities and take responsibility

As we transition to a new year, I will take a deeper dive into how each of these principles and traits play out and how you can tap into their genius to create your Leadership Advancement Plan (LAP). Click the button below and schedule a strategy session with me to determine how best to approach the next phase of your leadership journey and let’s map out your individual needs to round out a path that serves you and your people.