“The best managers lead, the best leaders tell stories, the best stories are personal.”
-Noel Tichy

While managing and leading are different roles, the former is a stepping stone to the latter requiring specific skills and behaviors that without, an organizations leadership fails to tap into what makes up its secret sauce. As in every case, a well-run organization’s most crucial role is to prepare for the future by way of its action in the present.
One invaluable way to accomplish preparing for the future is by sharing the organization’s past and the past of the people that make it work. It is the story of where the organization began, its development and growth to become what it is today. It is the story of its people that when told, can inspire others and motivate them to carry the torch forward over time to even greater heights of success.

This is where an organization’s leadership can profit by learning how to tell the story that develops talent beyond just a set of steps, processes and procedures needing to be followed in order to accomplish its day-to-day activities. This is a talent that can be developed much as it was developed in me as a young man growing up visiting my grandparent’s farm where my grandfather was a noted master of telling stories. It is a talent handed down to all my relatives, some of whom are professional storytellers such as myself.
I can help you develop those same skills that I’ve taught worldwide to help companies gain the footing necessary to outlast its competition that may not see the need to make such an investment. To learn more about how you can develop the talent of storytelling in business, click the link below and schedule a strategy session to learn how we might work together!