Our PRESENCE guides us through life based on how well we develop ourselves. Whether we are leading teams in business, leading our communities through change, or simply leading by being an influence on the lives of others, how we play these roles determines our effectiveness.
The present moment is where all things are possible. It is the only controllable moment and where the future is designed. When you look at the difference between two people, being present is the quality that distinguishes one person and makes them stand out from the crowd. The present is fleeting and ever-changing and is the key to human potential.
So how does one stay in the present and take advantage of its power? In meditation, we observe what comes and goes. For the rest of our life, we must act. The primary way this is done is through reaction and response. Whereas reaction is impulsive, and response is thoughtful. As we proceed through our day, we oscillate between different states of mind – some are authentic, and some are inauthentic. They guide the way we connect and engage with one another and move us in emotional ways that are both unique and learned.
We use emotive ways when we take on different roles depending on our situation. For example, when we put on a suit (our costume) and head into a professional environment, we assume a role. We may take on a different tone of voice, carry ourselves in a certain way, and present goals we’ve set for ourselves; we are serving a purpose. One person can assume many roles such as a boss, direct report, spouse, parent, sibling, VP, etc.
Knowing oneself can lead to greater happiness, self-satisfaction, less inner conflict, and the ability to be sure in our interactions with others. Self-concept is largely a reflection of the reactions of others towards the individual. It is how we perceive our unique characteristics. Adjusting our self-concept opens up new possibilities, yet, it can be difficult.
Empowerment enables us or others to act on their own authority. We can empower ourselves by controlling our lives and claiming our rights. We can empower others by giving them the authority or power to do something. A great manager empowers their employees by giving them leverage in solving problems. Often called “thinking outside the box,” employees or managers with a sense of empowerment create breakthroughs.
To be nimble is defined as being quick and light in movement or action. This applies to our physical reactions and also our adaptations to changing circumstances. Nimbleness in the workplace means adapting to changing circumstances or creating a new strategy where the current thinking is not succeeding.
Caring is displaying kindness and concern for others. Caring is the work or practice of looking after those unable to care for themselves, especially sick and older adults. When we care for others, we open up empathy in our hearts. Those that care about the task they are asked to accomplish achieve desirable results and inevitably feel a heightened sensibility about themselves. This leads to pride in work and a more content workforce.
We need to be engaged to stay in the present moment. Items capture our interest, some fade to the background, and some keep us focused. A measure of success is in how we engage with others. In the workplace, this is illustrated by how well we listen and provide feedback.

Within our PRESENCE is the core of who we are which I’ve focused upon in the SELF Concept Model.
These four characteristics are an inroad to a deeper sense of self and revealing in how we are felt and seen by others. The exploration can lengthen the amount of time that we are being present and shorten the gaps representing when we are less present.
- Sufficient
We are enough – perfect as we are this very minute.
- Endogenous
We are continually growing and developing, and this growth happens from within.
- Living
We are active or thriving human beings that are capable of great things.
- Fascinate
We have a unique personal power, charm, nature, or another quality that makes us a curiosity to others and curious people ourselves.