Being present is the ability to be in the here and now without being easily derailed by distractions. When you can think on your feet with ease and confidence in each moment, you can figure out what to say and do to cause a situation to flourish and thrive. You’ve then accomplished two outcomes: One, you’ve become more present and two, you’re more open to creativity and innovation.
Becoming more present can bring peace and calm, a state of being that is grounding and centering. Opening up to creativity and innovation enlivens the soul as we become steeped in purpose. Those are significant qualities to have especially given the hustle and bustle we are experiencing as we all figure out how to function in a world full of lightning speed change.
We are in a time of overflowing change that is so frequent that many of us are challenged with keeping up the pace. Some days can seem far from productive as the list of tasks rises and the number of people available to complete them stays the same or diminishes. When we do feel a since of accomplishment it can feel less satisfying due to the lack of volume and quality or substance. This is because we tend to lack focus and try to do more than is realistic in the time we have, eventually leading us to a state of overwhelm. Here’s a case in point:
As the world continues to open back up after COVID restrictions, one of the managers I spoke with shared what that triggered in them:
- A sudden shift in the amount and frequency of travel
- Perceived heightened client expectations that come with face-to-face interactions
- Movement into overwhelm
Overwhelm distracts us from the here and now and induces an amygdala hijack that diminishes our presence and clouds thinking and judgment.