Category: Demo

Harnessing the Benefits of Mindfulness

Practicing mindfulness can serve you well in various transitions throughout life. Here are some examples:

  • Career Transitions: Whether starting a new job, gaining a promotion, transitioning to a different career path, or retiring from your current profession, mindfulness can help you navigate the transitions of these changes more effectively.
  • Relationship Transitions: Draw on your practice to support you during relationship transitions such as starting a new romantic relationship, going through a breakup or divorce, or adjusting to changes in your family dynamics.
  • Life Stage Transitions: As we learn, grow, mature, and explore, life stage transitions are inevitable and look different for everyone. Mindfulness can help us embrace these differences and transition through the changes they present to us with openness, acceptance, and a sense of purpose. This insight led me to learn how I can provide support to leaders as they consider what is next in their lives. Helping them plan for it rather than just letting life happen to them.
  • Health Transitions: Managing health-related transitions, such as recovering from an illness or injury, adapting to a new diagnosis, or making lifestyle changes to improve your well-being, can be challenging. Your practice can support you in coping with the physical, emotional, spiritual, and psychological aspects of these transitions.
  • Cultural or Environmental Transitions: Moving to a new city or country, adjusting to a different cultural or social environment, or experiencing changes in your community can be disorienting. Mindfulness can help you stay grounded and connected through cultural or environmental shifts. Loving-kindness will help to orient to new situations with greater ease.
  • Educational Transitions: Whether starting school, transitioning between academic programs, or pursuing further education, mindfulness can help you manage the academic pressures and uncertainties associated with the educational environment. Adding loving-kindness will support you physically as you experience the stress of such a transition on your body.
  • Personal Growth Transitions: Engaging in personal growth activities such as starting a new hobby, embarking on a spiritual journey, or challenging yourself to step out of your comfort zone can be transformative. Mindfulness can support you in staying present, curious, and open to new experiences.

In essence, you can benefit from a mindfulness practice when experiencing any change, uncertainty, or adjustment. By cultivating mindfulness, you can navigate transitions with greater ease, resilience, and well-being, embracing the opportunities for growth and transformation that come with change.

Learn more about Developing Your Practice.

Developing Your Practice

Here are some ways to incorporate a mindfulness practice into any transition:

  • Mindful Breathing: Take a few moments to focus on your breath. Notice the sensation of each inhalation and exhalation, allowing your breath to anchor you in the present moment. This simple practice can help calm your mind and ground you during times of change.
  • Body Scan: Conduct a body scan to bring awareness to physical sensations. Starting from your toes and moving up to the top of your head; be sure to heighten your awareness as you sense each part of your body. Notice any areas of tension or discomfort without judgment. Simply observe and breathe into those sensations, allowing them to soften and release. 

This is something I find myself doing from time to time when my energy is high and I notice my hand trembling when holding a piece of paper or another object. By simply observing the tremble, breathing into the sensation of trembling, and then releasing muscle tension with the exhalation, the trembling stops and I am now aware of regulating my breathing and energy.

  • Observing Thoughts and Emotions: Pay attention to your thoughts and emotions as they arise during the transition. Instead of getting caught up in them, observe them with curiosity and compassion. Recognize that thoughts and feelings are transient and that is what the mind and body does. It creates thoughts and experiences feelings. Then choose not to attach to them and allow them to pass away as though helium balloons were being let go to float away. Or clouds that dissipate over time. Then allow your attention to return its focus to the breath, the flickering flame of a candle, or the physical sensations you experience in your body
  • Engaging Senses: Use your senses to connect with your surroundings. Notice the sights, sounds, smells, tastes, and textures around you. Engaging with your senses can anchor you in the present moment and provide a sense of stability during transitions.
  • Mindful Movement: Practice mindfulness during movement activities such as walking, yoga,  tai chi, eating, food preparation, or star gazing. Pay attention to each movement and sensation in your body as you move through space. This can help you stay grounded and centered through the transitions of change.
  • Gratitude Practice: Cultivate gratitude by reflecting on aspects of the transition that you are thankful for. Even amidst uncertainty or challenge, there are silver linings or opportunities for growth. Focusing on gratitude can shift your perspective and foster a sense of resilience.
  • Acceptance and Letting Go: Practice acceptance of the present moment, including both the joys and the difficulties of the transition. Let go of resistance to change and embrace the unfolding journey with openness and equanimity.
  • Regular Mindfulness Practice: Maintain a regular mindfulness practice, such as meditation or mindful journaling, to build resilience and inner resources for navigating transitions. Consistency is key to reaping the benefits of mindfulness over time.

Remember that mindfulness is a skill that develops with practice, so be patient and gentle with yourself as you integrate these practices into your life during transitions. Also remember that with any practice, seeking help and support will set you up for greater success. I know this to be true because I was unable to master this practice until I sought support.

Read how mindfulness and transitions have helped me through Life Changes.

Life Changes

So much of my life has been steeped in transitions that I rarely gave much thought to how my experience could support others. It wasn’t until a dear friend and colleague of mine suggested I support others through transitions that it even occurred to me. At first, I could not fathom why they thought I would have anything to say to others that could help them. Her reply was sobering, “Clearly Byron, you haven’t read your own resume.” 

We all have moments in our lives when we discover how significant our experiences can be to others, sometimes more than they seem to ourselves. Having worked with global leaders who do not see their lives as particularly noteworthy, I’ve discovered a similar point of view about my own life! I’ve also learned just how noteworthy my clients’ lives truly are as we work together to evolve their leadership. They lead fascinating lives when they have the opportunity to see it from someone else’s perspective. 

When I work with leaders one-to-one or in groups, one of the aspects of my coaching is to share vulnerably about myself when appropriate. I learned that when I demonstrate vulnerability with my clients, they experience the value of the impact for themselves and are more confident in showing vulnerability with their own teams, colleagues, and clients. Starting at the beginning of our working relationship, I strategically find opportunities to share about myself as a model for how it is done and why it is such an effective way to build long and lasting relationships with others. 

In the Beginning

Rather than simply tell you a story, I will share with you that my friend and colleague brought to my attention that I transitioned from being a puppeteer entertaining young audiences to beginning my figure skating career which opened my eyes to business. 

My interest in how the skating business worked led to the start of a twelve-year career in the food service and hospitality industry primarily as a waiter; the most accessible entertainment to the public, from my perspective. I learned how to be authentically engaging and attentive to what made diners happy and appreciative. It was an industry that significantly developed my stage presence.

The entertainment business was already in my blood from my father; a professional pianist and drummer. Beyond his 9 to 5 profession, he continued to return to his love of music right up until the last six years of his life. He taught me to sharpen my entertainment skills through music and I did. I began honing those skills at just about every imaginable level of the restaurant experience. I transitioned from a pizza parlor to steakhouse dining. I made my way into gourmet catering where I continued for over a decade. I had the opportunity to work in a number of fine restaurants in my career. To this day, food preparation is my greatest passion. 

During that ten-plus year timeframe, I was tapped to move into the hotel industry working in the banquets department through five-star dining. I remember how challenging some of those transitions felt. When I first learned about the concept of imposter syndrome in my coaching work, I recalled similar feelings as a skater, progressing from one level to another. 

It really hit home for me when I earned my first master’s rating as a figure skating coach. “What am I going to do when they all find out I have no idea what I’m doing?”, I used to think. “Worse, what happens when the master coaches who passed me, have to explain why and how I passed?” It never occurred to me that imposter syndrome was what I experienced as I got promoted to higher levels, changed jobs, shifted to different industries, and acquired new skills and various roles. I’ve experienced these doubts since I began acting in the second grade. Being emotionally stretched and facing rejection was then and still is now, a regular occurrence. 

It remained the same when I toured with Ice Capades. In a professional show, talent is hired, promoted, demoted, and fired. It wasn’t always about a skater’s ability either. Sometimes it boiled down to, ‘how easy it is to work with a skater more so than how talented or not they may have been?” There is also that moment when it becomes time for talent to move on. It could be leaving the ice show as I did after three years, to move on to a coaching career. It could be moving up in an organization when promoted to more advanced roles. Or it could be moving on from a role in a company to join a different organization

For me, leaving the show and moving into coaching skaters was nothing like being a performer in an ice show. Evidence of that took a bit of time to sink in after a very seasoned coach enlightened  me that “it takes about five years to feel like you know what you’re doing.” Except, I already knew what I was doing. Or so I thought! 

My mother used to reference people who thought very highly of themselves. Not unlike when we reach adult age and think we know more than we do. She called it “smelling yourself.” I was so busy smelling myself after I heard I’d have to wait five years to really know what I was doing as a coach, that it wasn’t until about the fifth year that I remember gasping; realizing how far I’d come and how little I really knew! That revelation led to many years of trying to prove I had any business in the sport, much less coaching. Champion? Olympic coach? Yikes!

Coming Full Circle

I think part of the reason I returned to my own skating, which eventually led me to become a professional pairs skating champion, was to reconnect with my confidence in performing. That is a strange thing to share given we balance on a quarter of an inch of steel during which the only time we are on the full quarter-inch of the blade, is when we transition from edge to edge, from one foot to the other as well as moving from backward to forward and back again. The only way to avoid spending most of your time on your rear end is to master transitions. Yet, skaters still spend a significant amount of time on our ass, getting up off our ass or about to fall on our ass! Go figure! Pun intended.

This makes for an ideal transition to share where I learned to develop a nervous system that allowed me to cover that much change in my life. It was during the countless and seemingly endless hours of tracing school figures that I developed the skill of mindfulness. Compulsory school figures are the backbone of the sport and one of the most mindfulness training grounds that I know. Meditation came along much, much later in my life. School figures are where it all began for me and they were a requirement until 1991, until then you were not considered a figure skater without having trained school figures. 

School figures are to a skater what barr work is to a ballet dancer. Without the barr, you are left with no foundation for classical dancing. Without figures…well, the sport is now without school figures. This means the sport had to change and experience the uncertainty and growing pains of transition. I was coaching when figure requirements ended and something new had to become our version of barr work. A group of coaches; several of whom were mine, a number of judges; some of whom are my contemporaries, and a pool of skaters; one of whom later became my student, developed Moves in the Field. I was invited to co-author the book of standards for the new discipline that replaced figures and ushered in a new type of skating athlete. Enter in deepening the concept of cross-training. 


As I became known as the MovesMaster demonstrating, coaching, mentoring coaches, and setting standards for judging them, my skills as a coach became known as well as my writing ability. Eventually, I found myself writing my own column in an international figure skating magazine and coaching on the Olympic level. I’m reminded of a lyric from The Talking Heads – Once in a Lifetime, “How did I get here?” It is a sentiment I thought of often as I transitioned in and out of a professional acting career that is still alive today. I recorded a book on tape, did voice-over work, and appeared in the global television special, “Ice Capades with Kirk Cameron.” 

Most of the professional skating experience I’ve had came after owning a chocolate manufacturing company; initially intended to financially support my skating. That business was what signaled my eventual retirement from the food industry. In each of the many professional roles I’ve had, I learned countless life and business lessons along the way. It finally inspired me to earn an academic MBA to go along with learning business on the job.

Navigating smoothly through transitions can help you Gain an Advantage.

Gain an Advantage

Embracing mindfulness can set you apart from others. While many may navigate transitions with uncertainty, stress, and emotional turbulence, those who incorporate mindfulness into their lives stand out for their resilience, clarity, and grounded presence. While there are numerous ways to practice mindfulness, one of the ways I’ve found that boosts your awareness is a regular meditation practice.

It did not surprise me to learn that less than 15% of the population spends time in a regular meditation practice. I avoided it myself at first. Of those who spend time in quiet contemplation: 

  • Three-quarters experience improvements in their health.
  • Nearly ⅔ have more energy.
  • One-half have better memory and attention.
  • One-third experience decreased anxiety, stress, and sadness.

What did surprise me is that there are over twelve thousand empirical articles written about the self-compassion aspect of mindfulness.

Mindfulness cultivates a unique capacity to engage with change in a more intentional and balanced manner. By developing a practice of present-moment awareness and self-compassion, individuals become adept at observing their thoughts, feelings, and bodily sensations without judgment. This ability to stay anchored in the present moment while transitioning through change allows for a deeper understanding of oneself and the situation at hand.

Rather than becoming distracted by a whirlwind of emotions, one is able to acknowledge and accept their feelings with equanimity. By maintaining a sense of inner calm, they can respond to challenges with greater clarity and composure, thus fostering more harmonious relationships and effective decision-making.

Mindfulness fosters a sense of resilience that sets individuals apart during transitions. Instead of viewing change as a threat, they approach it with a mindset of openness and adaptability. Through regular meditation, deep breathing exercises, or body scans, they build a strong foundation of inner strength and flexibility, enabling them to navigate even the most turbulent of transitions with grace and fortitude.

By being fully present with others and cultivating deep listening skills, mindfulness practitioners forge deeper connections and offer genuine support to those around them. This empathetic and compassionate approach not only strengthens existing relationships –  they attract new opportunities for collaboration and growth.

Mindfulness is a path to greater self-awareness, emotional resilience, and interpersonal connection. 

Start Your Journey

“Mindfulness is about being fully awake in our lives. It is about perceiving the exquisite vividness of each moment. We also gain immediate access to our own powerful inner resources for insight, transformation, and healing.” – Jon Kabat-Zinn

Embarking on a transition journey is navigating uncharted waters, filled with uncertainties and complexities. In times of change, finding inner balance and clarity becomes paramount. That’s where meditation can be an invaluable ally. 

Whether you’re facing a career shift, a relationship change, or any other aspect of life that sets you on a transition course in life, meditation offers a sanctuary of peace and insight. 

I’ve seen a great deal of change in my life including having grown up and lived in three different cities in Texas and two different cities in Colorado. I’ve spent over a decade in Massachusetts, and nearly a decade in Washington state, traveled the world, and now reside in New York City. I’ve lived through numerous transitions from one aspect of my life to another and I’ve developed a mindfulness practice that allows me to be where I am in my life today – grounded. 

Engage me to support you in transitioning through whatever changes you face in your life. Having earned the Registered Life Planning designation, RLP®, I have an insightful way to help you begin planning a transition rather than meeting it as a deer in the headlights might!

Founders Corner – The ART of Listening

Children Will Listen from the Stephen Sondheim’s Broadway show, Into The Woods.

You may not have expected to open this month’s Founder’s Corner to experience me singing. Yet given this month is all about listening, I thought it fitting to grab your attention by demonstrating the impact and power of Listening.

Hi, I’m Byron Darden with another edition of Leading with Purpose on Purpose. In our continuing series on Transitions, this month we focus on The ART of Listening and its impact on relationship building. This is a particularly significant topic when you consider the emotions that are stirred when we find ourselves moving through major transitions in our lives. 

Whether I’m coaching leaders transitioning within their organizations to more senior roles, advising them on how to approach retirement, or making the decision to leave their corporate jobs to start their own firms, launch a nonprofit organization, or simply follow their aspirations beyond 9am to 5pm (which I must admit is a timeframe from another era), it is the listening that lies at the foundation of how I help clients get from their current state to their desired future state. 

I cannot recall the last time I worked with an executive who worked exclusively within the hours of 9 to 5. Which most likely leads to some of the desires they share with me about what more they would like to do with their lives going into their future. One of the ways in which I help many leaders is to inspire them to master their own listening. That sometimes means listening to the internal voice we all have that can lead us in the direction that most calls to us. That is when we can hear that inner voice over all the noise that often permeates our environment in order to build a stronger relationship with ourselves. Enjoy!

Explore the Art of Listening.

The ART of Listening: Impact on Relationship Building

In a world filled with constant activity as well as increasing distractions and competing demands for our attention, the skill of truly listening has become increasingly more important.  Listening goes beyond merely hearing words; it involves actively processing and comprehending the message being conveyed. It requires attention, empathy, and genuine interest in understanding the speaker’s perspective. 

Listening with our whole self means being fully present and attentive; listening with our ears and including our hearts and minds. It means setting aside distractions, suspending judgment in exchange for curiosity, and genuinely investing ourselves in understanding the speaker’s message. This holistic approach fosters deeper connections, builds trust, and cultivates empathy, fostering stronger relationships both personally and professionally.

This month, we explore how each of our senses allows us to become effective listeners, the different styles of listening, why it’s so important to listen with our whole self, and how we can practice deeper listening skills with others and with ourselves

Learn how to Be Present.

Be Present

The ART of listening, as we define it, is the ability to bring one’s full attention to the speaker, and be present without interruptions or distractions. You engage in what is being shared and not being shared, identified through all your senses. It involves:

  1. Thinking: Actively processing and reflecting on the speaker’s words and their implications. In the Buddhist tradition, the sixth sense is aligned with thinking vs ESP.
  2. Seeing: Observing the speaker’s body language for additional insights and cues.
  3. Hearing: Paying attention to the words spoken, vocal inflections, word choice, and emotional tone.
  4. Smell:  When we experience life and others, we may be aware of scent associations that we often give little attention to, such as when I think of my grandparents with whom I associate with the smell of the farm or the musty basement beneath the farmhouse.
  5. Taste: Being attuned to any olfactory cues that may reveal additional layers of meaning. An example of this is when I think of my mother, I’m often reminded of a scent she wore or the lemon icebox pie she used to make for me on special occasions.
  6. Feeling: Sensing the speaker’s emotions and intentions through their expressions and the sensations they evoke in oneself.

Though all our senses play a role in deep listening, what we perceive visually and physically outweighs auditory input by more than 50%. Taking this into account, we draw on our ART model to remind us to Approach our listening with a sense of curiosity and openness. We Resolve whatever issue is at hand by giving the speaker our full attention with the intention of reaching a conclusion, determination, or settlement. The accomplishment or desired impact that follows is the release of Tension that results from an effective and accurately received message.   

As you will note, listening is so much more than just hearing someone’s words. It is also listening through our senses to what the speaker is conveying (intention). We listen in this way to the messages our mind, body, and spirit convey in service to our protection, growth, and development. Think of it as listening to your gut. Examples of this are what is learned through meditation and somatic work.  

Listening itself comes in many forms depending on your environment. Here are some common types of listening and when you might use them.

  1. Informational Listening focuses on understanding the message being conveyed. It’s used when you want to remember what is being said. You’ll use this type of listening in work training, self-paced learning, or when listening to a coach or mentor.
  2. Discriminative Listening involves distinguishing different sounds, voices, pitch, or quality. It’s the most basic form of listening and helps us understand the basic auditory information in communication. Think of this as reading between the lines, such as when someone says “Yes” and they clearly mean “No.”
  3. Selective or Biased Listening means that you hear what you want to hear. This can lead to misunderstandings as you fail to fully process the message of the speaker.
  4. Sympathetic Listening is where you focus on understanding the speaker’s feelings, emotions, and perspectives. It involves having and demonstrating compassion, empathy, and sensitivity towards the speaker’s experiences and concerns.
  5. Comprehensive Listening focuses on understanding the message being conveyed. It involves grasping the main ideas, details, and overall context of what is being communicated.
  6. Therapeutic Listening focuses on providing support and understanding to the speaker. It involves creating a safe space for the speaker to express their thoughts, feelings, and struggles without blame or judgment. 
  7. Critical Listening involves analyzing and evaluating the message being presented. It requires assessing the validity of the information, considering the speaker’s credibility, and examining the arguments for evidence provided.

All of these types of listening can have the ART model applied to them.

Learn how to Build Relationships through the ART of Listening.

Build Relationships

Effective communication lies at the heart of all human interaction. It serves as the cornerstone of our relationships, both personal and professional. Miscommunication, often stemming from a lack of attentive listening, can lead to a cascade of negative consequences.

When we fail to listen deeply to one another, misunderstandings abound. These misunderstandings can escalate into conflicts, erode trust, and ultimately lead to the breakdown of relationships. Whether in intimate partnerships, familial bonds, friendships, or workplace collaborations, the repercussions of miscommunication reverberate far and wide.

By honing the ART of listening, individuals can foster deeper connections and build stronger, more resilient relationships. When we listen with intention and attention, we signal to others that their words, feelings, and perspectives matter to us. This acknowledgment lays the foundation for trust and mutual respect.

Attentive listening equips us with the tools to navigate the intricate dynamics of social interaction with greater ease. It allows us to pick up on subtle cues, understand underlying emotions, and respond thoughtfully to the needs and concerns of others. In doing so, we forge bonds of empathy and understanding that transcends mere words.

In essence, the ART of listening is not just a skill; it’s a transformative practice that enriches every facet of our lives. By embracing this practice wholeheartedly, we can cultivate deeper connections, foster meaningful relationships, and navigate the complexities of human interaction with grace and compassion.

This also goes for the relationship you have with yourself. We suggest employing one of our learning tools we call, Engagement Query. It is an emotional intelligence-based tool used to create connection, enhance engagement, and deepen the influence you have with your audience during presentations, meetings, facilitations, and Interactions. It is also designed to help us develop questions we can ask ourselves to ensure we are truly present with ourselves. 

It accomplishes a similar outcome addressed in the phrase, “Should an emergency situation occur, you need to put your own oxygen mask on first, before attempting to help those around you.” While it isn’t necessary to wait for an extreme emergency situation to act, the sentiment of the phrase reminds us that we are more successful doing for others, what we’ve accomplished doing for ourselves.  

Listen more effectively by Shifting Your Focus.

Shift Your Focus

Improving listening skills is vital for better communication and stronger relationships. Here we explore the shift from old habits that hinder communication to new practices that foster deep understanding and connection:

Move Away FromMove Toward
Waiting to ShareFocus on What is Shared
Quick to ReactPause to Respond
DistractedBeing Present

Each one of these pairs represents a chance to improve your listening skills. Mindfulness meditation is at the core of each Move Toward recommendation. What is most challenging for many who consider the practice of meditation is that they find it too difficult or not something they are cut out to do. You are not alone. I could not meditate successfully when I first began. So what can be done?

Given there are so many obstacles that can get in the way of quieting the mind, there are ways to work through this often challenging form of centering. The first step that supported me and many like those of us who find it difficult at first is to ask for help before you assume you “can’t” do it. When I taught figure skating invariably students who believed something was too difficult would often respond with, “I can’t!” 

I would pull out a marker and write the word “Can” on the ice. Then I would underline the word and proceed to draw a vertical line down from the underlined word and add the letters, “ry” spelling “Try.” We both had a laugh and I would proceed with, “Let me show you how before you adopt the idea that something is impossible.” Asking for help is the first step.

Obstacles that often get in the way include stress, exhaustion, hunger, pain, and strong emotions. The very reason we meditate is to reduce stress that can lead to exhaustion and compound the issue. Therefore it comes with the practice of meditation itself that allows us to overcome these very stresses in our lives that lead us to meditate in the first place.

It can also help to better understand the benefits of meditation which include boosting the immune system. High stress levels for extended periods of time and experienced with frequency release the hormone in the body called cortisol. Lower levels of cortisol flowing through the body allow it to fight off infection. The added benefit is that less cortisol triggers reduce inflammation as well as chronic pain and the higher risk associated with heart disease. 

Through meditation, you can also lower your blood pressure. As an athlete, my training over time lowered my blood pressure which was a positive outcome among many because I developed improved focus and learned to maintain calmness over the many years I skated. When I would go for a physical, my doctors noted my lower blood pressure. This led to a calmer state of being that developed over time in skating. It served me well from a health perspective. 

There are alternatives to meditation. One significant alternative for me was practicing compulsory school figures; in those figure eights, we would draw on the ice with our blades as we continued round and round the circles until we achieved excellence in shape and tracing of the patterns. Although figure eights are no longer a compulsory part of the sport, other meditative practices such as walking in nature, gazing up at the clouds, and rhythmic drumming are a few options to consider.

What shocked me when I began meditating twenty years ago was discovering that all those years of figure skating proved meditative. I had no idea that I already knew how to meditate. I just hadn’t been told about it. When I discovered that, I was reminded of Dorothy from The Wizard of Oz learning that she could go home all along after a whimsical journey through the land of Oz.

While I may not be a meditation teacher, I’ve learned from my teachers how to meditate and help others get started. So allow me to offer a sneak peek at what I’ve learned to do and perhaps you will want to try it yourself before you adopt the belief that you CAN’T!

Click here to meditate along with me.

Learn more ways to practice your listening skills in Try This.