Author: Byron Darden

Focus on Analytics

Approximately 5 million people work in retail sales, and 12% of all jobs are in the retail industry. These workers are developing a way of being in their company roles to drive the bottom line. Companies increasingly use analytics to study what customers want, their changing buying behavior, and to examine imposed limitations on how businesses are run.

Before, analytics was of importance only to the big retail giants. It is crucial for all retail establishments, regardless of their size. It focuses on operations and allows companies to make better marketing decisions. Analytics can help establishments better understand customer behavior and predict their future wants and needs. If you are new to analytics, plenty of software tools make the job easier.

How Retail Impacts Us: Climate Equity

The people who are often most impacted by climate change are usually the ones who contribute least to the footprint left behind. It is more important now than ever before for us to be mindful of our actions as their consequences can sometimes be irreversible.

Starbucks serves as an example. Beginning with the cup. It takes a large amount of distilled water to produce the cups. Even when coupled with recycled paper. Growing and roasting the beans are water-intensive activities. The bags that carry the beans are non-biodegradable expanding the capacity of landfills on a planet that is not growing bigger. The electricity that it takes to run every store is staggering. Starbucks stars in The Top Three food companies with the largest number of outlets in the world with 16,700 outlets to date. This makes Starbucks the largest coffee company in the world.

Click the button below to book a strategy session. Learn how large a footprint you’re leaving as a leader and how it impacts those you lead.

Founder’s Corner

20 years ago, I never could have imagined I would celebrate women on such a personal level as I do today. Now 20 years later, as we begin our month-long celebration of Women’s History Month, I begin by celebrating the most significant woman I’ve ever known, my mother. This is her birthday month and I am celebrating it by acknowledging the incredible example she was and still is in my life.

Since her passing, I’ve come to regard birthdays highly by encouraging others to extend their birthday to birthday month and on to birthday year as I have my own. I celebrate my birthday throughout the year with both spontaneous and planned out treats and activities that constantly remind me of how precious each moment is that we can draw a breath. Meditation is the activity I now do every day that reminds me of the sacredness of each time I inhale and exhale.

In 2020 I celebrated my birthday by planning a year’s worth of travel, events, and activities intended to remind me that each morning I awake, I have the gift of “another day to get it right”, as a dear female friend often reminds me. Thank you Billie for the reminder.

Unfortunately, COVID put an end to the seven weeks of travel plans that boiled down to two at the start of the year. A few months after the initial announcement that New York City was on lockdown to prevent the spread of the virus, I wasn’t sure I’d live to reach the end of that year. So I went to my favorite bakery in upper Manhattan and bought myself a chocolate birthday cake. I celebrated with the few neighbors I felt safe enough to visit. While they enjoyed slices of my cake, I ate the majority of it on my own. Yum!

Having grown up in a very religious family, I took to expanding my spiritual life which has grown beyond what I recall as the child of a Deacon in the church, a mother who sat on the church board, Sunday school classes, and Church summer camps in Texas. Now I occasionally facilitate Open Bible Study at my local church, attend a meditation class each week with acquaintances from around the world, and have recently begun a weekly meditation class with a small group I suspect will grow over time.

These have been nurturing experiences for me that I place in the category of restorative self-care. Over the past 20 years, my life has drastically changed. Back then I was ramping up my involvement in the female-dominated world of figure skating – following my Olympic coaching accomplishment – I launched MovesMaster® educational services devoted to seminars and instruction in the field of ice skating; drawing on the arts, sports, and performance. Now 20 years later, I am back to writing my book under that enterprise as I refresh the skating world’s connection to leadership.

In my role as a leadership consultant and coach, I draw on many modalities including arts, sports, and performance in my coaching of executives. Each discipline in and of itself plays up the need for restorative self-care, something that I devote much time and energy honing. Fortunately, the cryogenics aspect of being in an ice rink for 40 years has slowed my aging process and I augment it with yoga, warm bubble baths, healthy eating habits, and massages regularly when not writing, coaching, or taking short invigorating trips to get away and clear my head.

I invite you to take stock in your own path through restorative self-care as we publish this month’s blog and celebrate the history of women whom without, none of us would Be.

Self-Care: Restore Your Soul

Busy is a virtue many enjoy – dealing with demanding bosses, taking care of our loved ones, and checking things off our to-do lists. The number of things vying for our time is endless. Some derive a sense of accomplishment from being on the go. When you cease to care for yourself, you will have little energy or motivation to care for others. Can you imagine having the number one thing on your to-do list is taking care of yourself – specifically in the form of restorative self-care? Your risk of frustration or burnout is diminished.

When we speak of self-care for the rest of this topic, think of restorative self-care. While self-care attends to maintaining your well-being, restorative self-care strives to look at all areas of your body, mind, and soul.

Before you protest that you couldn’t spare the time, let go of despair! Restorative self-care can be done in as little as a few minutes, although you certainly deserve more. Let’s dive into what self-care means, why it’s essential, and then we’ll help you make a plan to start putting yourself first.

What is Self-Care?

Self-care is a practice related to healthcare that requires our ability, desire, understanding, and willingness to explore, promote, maintain, and support quality health as an imperative while preventing or coping with illness, disease, or disabilities that one may encounter in life. It’s a way of putting ourselves first and telling ourselves that we matter.

Self-care has become part of our societal lexicon. Our desire to define and establish parameters for this practice is exponentially significant. Look around and you’ll find countless references to self-care, and for good reason. 

To mount such an effort, it feels necessary to note the similarity to an athlete’s commitment to pursue and achieve the gold medal standard in an Olympic sport. It is literally a game-changer in figure skating. Yet not all of us are destined to be Olympic athletes nor win gold medals for self-care. This undoubtedly contributes to why it’s a practice we can easily stray from.

Self-Care is Crucial

While self-care has been thrown around as a buzzword for a while – just ask busy moms and stressed-out workers – the strain of our world in the past two years since COVID has piqued its interest in the mainstream.

Many of us have had our lives turned upside down with changes – working from home, homeschooling children, quarantine, and the uncertainty of how sick we could get. We’ve seen friends and neighbors get ill – some not make it – and we’ve held out hope that this would all pass soon. As days turned into months and then years, we’ve found a new way of existence. As we continue with mixed messages on the next variant or how the world is coping, self-care can play a massive role in our wellness plans.

The subject is top of mind because we can feel the increase in the mental and emotional fragility all around us in some form or fashion, increasing to unimaginable levels since COVID entered our lexicon. It doesn’t appear to be diminishing. “We have an epidemic of anxiety and depression,” according to Paula Gill Lopez, Ph.D., quoted in a May 2021 article by Moira Lawler. Click the title, EVERYDAY HEALTH, to learn more.

What’s more, this issue of anxiety and depression does not begin at the leadership level. It begins a concerning number of years before beginning the climb up the executive ladder. It can begin as early as when children are at school in less-than-ideal situations. While necessary for the public’s safety, the reactions of schools and government to the Covid-19 pandemic have undoubtedly taken its toll on our youth. This may affect these children down the road. Click the title, The Effect of COVID-19 on Education, to learn more.

Dealing with COVID-19 is just one example of how anxiety and depression impacts one’s ability to function effectively. This makes restorative self-care that much more of an essential practice now.

Many coaching experts have sprung out of the woodwork, and wellness offerings are found throughout the market. In our interactions with others, topical conversations inevitably morph into those asking how we are doing.

When we stop to think about the answer and are honest with ourselves, the response may not be “fine.” Sooner or later, we question how we’ve weathered the storm and realize that maybe a bit of self-care might just be the solution.

The difference in the components of self-care is as unique as the spectrum of color given off when light hits the facets of a diamond. As you might imagine, to define all that self-care represents is an exhausting effort, impossible to accomplish in a lifetime. You could comfortably equate self-care with your life’s journey that continues to unfold and reveal itself with each breath. The breath being the ultimate fundamental and innate ability of humans to survive.

The importance of self-care for leaders lies in what each individual values, commits to, and how we live our daily lives in service to the overall well-being of the mind, body, and spirit. Our families, communities, and organizations depend on us as individuals and whole human beings. The whole of you requires your attention to live your intention to contribute.

One aspect of the whole lacking attention means the lack of the whole. Then we struggle to be all that we are capable of to function, play, work, create, and prosper as followers and leaders who get things done well.

How Self-Care has Evolved

Having experienced four generations from Baby Boomers to Generation Z of the early 21st Century, the role of self-care has grown in importance and expanded the strata of differences it encompasses. As we look back at history, self-care has evolved to fit the current need.

Older adults of the G.I. (General Issue) or Silent Generation survived the Great Depression and two World Wars. Their self-care meant saving, preserving, and stretching resources. They learned to follow the rules to ensure a successful life.

The Baby Boomer Generation faced economic booms and the growth of families. Their youth was scattered with the birth of rock ‘n roll, the civil rights movement, and free love. Their self-care centered on self-expression and overcoming perceived oppression from war and social strife.

My generation saw AIDS, the fall of the Berlin Wall, the rise of MTV, and a need to create our own path rather than being defined by societal norms. We created boundaries around sex to prevent disease and worked on finding our voice.

Since the 1980s, the Millennials have seen a rise in the internet, 9-11 tragedies, a dependence on technology, and labeling of entitlement and self-centeredness. Generation Y has also been at the forefront of a rise in consciousness leading to introspection. Their biggest challenge is self-examination and social connections.

Those born in the 21st century are more dependent on the internet and technology than ever, and they desire individuality. They need help managing their dependence on technology, defining their role in the world, and returning to a spiritual center.

Self-Care Ideas

Self-care isn’t just a spa day or vacation. It’s about how you treat yourself when achieving a milestone, consciously celebrating wins and successes, or just making it through an ordinary day. It’s about pedicures and manicures, not just to look your best, but because you love how it makes you feel.

One of the things that COVID robbed us of was experiencing the healing properties of hands on our bodies. “Of all the senses we depend on dearly to navigate the world, the sense of touch is the one that man [woman] cannot live without,” says Ron Horn MD, who is steeped in eastern philosophy and medicine in addition to his western medical training. Scheduling a massage is a great way to restore your self-care.

Everyday decisions on what you eat, where you source it, and how you prepare it are all examples of self-care. It’s the blanket you acquire because the weight of it soothes your stress while you rest. Daily walks, exercise, and stress-relieving activities are done regularly to keep yourself in tip-top shape. 

Self-care in the form of tension and stress relief prompts us to turn to meditation, yoga, Pilates, gym workouts, health club memberships, juicing, cleanses, a host of diets, breathing practices, adoption of wisdom traditions, and daily practices that minimize what harms us and maximize what heals us.

Psychologist Randi Kaufman had this to say about an often-misunderstood term related to self-care: selfish. “The act of being selfish is not the bad thing many associates with the word. Selfish means to be concerned with self.” When giving her comment more thought, it makes sense that one needs to be concerned with self for the sake of self-preservation. Our ability to be effective with concerns of the self is a training ground for effectively caring for others.

It grew in popularity and consciousness as a marketing tagline for safety first, “Put on your own oxygen mask before assisting others.” I’d want my savior to have the presence of mind to preserve themselves first in the event I stood any chance of making it out of a plane crash alive. They might at least breathe well enough to stay alive to save me!

Regular and well-orchestrated self-care regimes can make bouncing back from illness faster while keeping the most acute symptoms at bay or, to a greater degree, from occurring at all!

Your Plan for Self-Care

It’s your turn.

Take a moment and list all the many types of self-care practices you have. Create a long list as possible of efforts you make to increase your overall well-being in five minutes.

Then on a blank piece of paper, create four columns at the top of which you will title with the topics, Mind, Body, Spirit, and Others. In each column, quickly identify which practices from your initial list are primarily in service to its topic. In some cases, a self-care practice you have may fit in more than one column. That is a perfectly reasonable outcome.

Here are some ideas to get you started.

ReadingWalking/RunningMeditationTake time to laugh
Taking a classYogaJournalingCall a friend
Taking a break from social mediaDancingVolunteer workTreat yourself
Listening to a podcastCrossfitEngage with a coachPaint

Let your imagination take hold, taking time to catalog all that you do to maintain or improve well-being. This is a vital step toward your ability to remain motivated and inspired to do what you have evidence of, being in your best interest and serving as an imperative in living a life that supports and delights you. Through the discipline of what we practice, we experience the freedom life promises when we keep ourselves whole and fully functional.

How Self-Care Brought a New Focus

When COVID took the world by surprise and literally stopped us from living the life we took for granted, and where everything seems wonderful, I turned to meditation to provide emotional and mental balance in my new life of isolation and razer focus on creating

Having lost my entire income stream in the matter of a weekend in early March 2020, I needed to pivot professionally in a new direction that could lead me out of the dark valley of unemployment, disease, death, and fear that permeated every corner of my life and move into the possibility of a new and bright future. As of the writing of this article, I’ve survived the tension of the civil rights movement, the AIDS epidemic, the catastrophic impact of cancers in our society, and the ravages of the Coronavirus and its increasing number of variants.

For sixteen years, I’d been an occasional meditator. That all changed in the last sixteen months, and meditation is now a daily practice I’ve come to rely on. It’s as though I found the holy grail of hope blossoming from my developed focus on the present moment. It never occurred to me that I would become so enamored, dependent, and grateful for each breath I take in each passing moment of each passing hour. Now something that seemed as insignificant as a single breath is so richly significant in and of itself to such a degree that I am humbled by simply waking each morning and thankful to experience sunset each evening.