Tag: Back to School

Founder’s Corner – Back to School, Part I

When I finished the third grade as a young boy in public school, my parents decided to send me to a private school. I was in a carpool with other students, some going to the grade school where I attended, while others were dropped off at a nearby high school of the same caliber.

It wasn’t so much that I no longer went to school with my neighborhood friends where I was most familiar with the teachers in the community I called home. It was that I was to repeat the third grade. My parents told me that repeating the grade again would offer me the best start to an education of merit. In my eyes, I had failed. It was challenging to think that everyone would figure I wasn’t smart enough to progress to the next grade. I didn’t look forward to that school year.

As school gets started once again this year, not all of us will be looking forward to what is to come. There will be joy and excitement mixed with apprehension and weary anticipation for both school students and adult learners. What can be expected across the board are two considerations: that something new is ahead to learn and how important it is to embrace your inner strength; our focus this month.

Hi I’m Byron Darden with this edition of Leading with Purpose on Purpose. In this month’s blog we will be exploring what it means to be going back to school for all us in one way or another. It is my hope that you will take a step back and recognize that even uncertainty can be met with excitement as we learn new things about ourselves and one another and perhaps have just a little more compassion for those around us who need additional support on this new school year journey. Enjoy!

Welcome to From Classroom to Boardroom: The Leadership Lessons of Back-to-School Season

From Classroom to Boardroom: The Leadership Lessons of Back-to-School Season

As the summer sun begins to fade, I find myself reflecting on a familiar scenario. Across the US and in many countries throughout the world, children are buzzing with a mix of excitement and uncertainty (given the events of the past several years) preparing for a new school year. They’re selecting new supplies, and organizing their backpacks, and some are eagerly anticipating the return to their academic routines while others may not. This annual ritual of preparation and renewal isn’t confined to our personal lives; it has profound parallels in the professional world, especially at the executive level.

In fact, I recently had lunch with marketing executive, Theresa Spinale of an animation studio in the entertainment industry who quickly confirmed that indeed, the fall is a form of going back to school in her industry as well. It’s a time for fresh starts and new beginnings, something Theresa is experiencing as a new job is about to begin for her.

For those of us in a corporate setting, “Back to School” signifies more than just the return of children, or ourselves, to educational pursuits. It’s a powerful metaphor for our own professional journeys as leaders in business and in education. Just as students gear up for new challenges and opportunities, we, too, must continuously prepare, adapt, and set new goals. This season of transition is a reminder that leadership, much like education, is an ongoing process of learning and growth. It’s a time to reassess our strategies, refocus our efforts, embrace the opportunities that lie ahead, and test our flexibility for the unknowns that will inevitably arise during this seasonal transition.

Learn how Fall is A Time for Business Renewal and Strategic Focus.

A Time for Business Renewal and Strategic Focus

In the world of merchandising, back to school is the time for selling school supplies, and new clothes for students, corporate, and education leaders (kids grow like weeds it seems during the summer, and last year’s clothes either no longer fit or are out of date). Socially speaking, it’s a time when students start up a new school year. Time to get back to their friends, move into a new grade; or like me having to repeat a grade in my formative years. It’s a time to learn new things, meet new people, and work with new teachers. So much about the fall is about new and hopefully exciting undertakings. 

Ultimately, Back To School boils down to mean Back To Business. Consumer spending is up. Commerce is waking up. Fashions are about to hit the market. Clients are ready to focus on their budgets mostly defined from October 1 to September 30 in the United States. This makes September a time to be looking at what is next for more than just students.

Fall signals a broader societal transition where clients, companies, and consumers alike refocus on their goals and objectives. This period is characterized by a renewed energy and commitment to progress, making it an ideal time for businesses, educators, and individuals to reassess their strategies, set new goals, and prepare for the final quarter of the fiscal year and the beginning of an education season.

The back-to-school mindset encourages a sense of urgency and a return to routine, providing a natural opportunity to realign with long-term objectives. This can include launching new initiatives, refining marketing campaigns, or focusing on professional development for business and school leaders.

Clients, too, are more receptive during this time, as they shift their attention from summer vacations to planning and executing the next steps in their personal and professional lives. Whether it’s seeking new services, products, or guidance, the back-to-school season creates a mindset of readiness and openness to new opportunities.

Ready to dive deeper? Try Refocusing on Career Growth.

Refocusing on Career Growth

This time of year is significant for families with children returning to school, as it frees up parents to refocus on their careers. Some of those parents are school leaders focused on recovering from the impact of COVID that turned education upside down causing a major shift in the culture of school. The shift in routine that comes with the start of the school year provides parents with the mental and physical space to re-engage with their professional goals. With the daily demands of childcare reduced, parents can reclaim time and energy that can be channeled into career advancement, taking on new responsibilities, or pursuing professional development opportunities that may have been put on hold during the more chaotic summer months.

Likewise in the world of education, the re-engagement gives rise to the need to re-evaluate what it will take to accomplish this idea of re-establishing school culture, trust, morale, and relationships to where they were pre-Covid. This has a direct impact on parents who are in the business world rather than in education. The reality is that these different world contexts depend on and impact one another.

A personal case study of a past experience comes to mind:

I’m living in Boston, MA situated between two cemeteries. Either way I go, I will dead-end at the cemeteries of the community’s past residents. While I do not have children, the township in which I live depends on its residents to support a tax increase to pay for much-needed improvements in the local school system. I vote to increase the tax so that students in my community might have a more palatable opportunity for their education than I had growing up in Texas. 

At some point, I am in conversation with a neighbor in my community who questions my motivation to vote for an increase in the town’s taxes when I do not have children who will benefit. My reason is simple. I may not have children and yet my life is impacted by the quality of education they do or do not receive. Should students not be engaged at school, they are more likely to skip school altogether and become aimless in my community. For a youngster who is at an impressionable age, when education isn’t getting their attention, getting into trouble and being a blight on the community is! 

They are more likely to get involved in gang violence or spend time standing on corners and making it obvious to law enforcement that they are not in school where they ought to be. At this age, youth are more likely to get into trouble and fall prey to unsavory influences that lead to drug use, home break-ins, and other types of unacceptable behavior. I too have to live with these issues when I fail to do my part in my own community. I must do what is possible to support the education that is provided for the neighborhood in which I live.

Education is not just the responsibility of those with children, it is the responsibility of us all to keep our communities safe, and inspire children to remain engaged in worthwhile activities, and motivated to learn. Lesson learned; when any of us fail to pitch in we all lose, not just the children and the families to which they belong. When we look at it as a community effort, we are including everyone within it. 

It can be difficult to look at what is next in your career when your community is in shambles. When you’re working towards promotions, managing more, and taking on different responsibilities, you can be distracted by questioning what is going on back at home. Especially when what is going on back home is not working. When you are focusing on upping your game at work, to become noticed for your contributions to an organization, team, or project, worrying that your home might be vandalized or your neighborhood compromised in some way is a distraction that will get in the way.

Moreover, the back-to-school season isn’t just about younger students; it’s also a time when educational institutions offer courses for adults, making it an ideal moment for anyone considering further education or training. This environment of widespread learning and growth fosters a mindset of improvement and ambition. As professionals, it’s a reminder that our personal and career development are lifelong pursuits, not confined to traditional schooling years.

For leaders to prosper, the holistic view of their lives must encompass the choices they make at home as well as at the office. Leaders know all too well that when their skill level is not where it needs to be, promotions and increased salaries are less likely to happen. Parents are less likely to provide as well for their families and those families without children suffer as well.

Often, this is when I see executives preparing for new roles that demand not only new skills, and also a shift in mindset. The back-to-school period symbolizes a time of renewal, making it an opportune moment to reassess career trajectories and set new goals. 

I help leaders get promoted, and this requires them to be coachable—and open to learning, even when it challenges their comfort zones or existing beliefs. Just as students are expected to adapt to new curricula and environments, leaders must be willing to embrace change and growth, continuously evolving to meet the demands of their roles. Even when what you are learning may seem to go against the grain of what you believe, trust, or what makes you comfortable. 

I recognize that while we may wish for life to go back to the way it was at a time in the past, the reality is that going back to a past time is not possible. Instead, our new selves must find a new way to show up. That is why I find it difficult to embrace the phrase, “new normal.” One might ask, what is normal and that definition is different for different people. Another consideration is that not everything from the past was necessarily working. That is why I find it difficult to embrace the phrase, “in the good ole days.” The truth of the matter is that not everything was necessarily “good.”

I think we might be more effectively served to embrace the possibility of reinvention instead. For instance, who we were and how we did what we did before 2020 is done. It is time to see life for what it is and what it is not. What it is now can be summed up by the advent of hybrid work conditions. It is unlikely we will ever go back to working in an office in the manner we once did. The whole world changed and we will experience less suffering when we embrace new ways of being and doing in all aspects of our lives. Seeing the world through the lens of  “that was then and this is now” can open up possibilities that did not exist before. 

I’ve encountered many moments where learning something new triggered hesitation or fear. These feelings are natural, just as my reaction to repeating the third grade triggered hesitation and fear, especially when the learning process challenges deeply held beliefs or pushes individuals into unfamiliar territory. Yet, in every instance, I’ve used those lessons to grow and to help others grow. The discomfort that comes with stepping outside of one’s comfort zone is often a precursor to significant personal and professional breakthroughs. When you commit to continuous learning, nothing can stop you except the end of your life. Just keep in mind that the number one and two greatest fears of many leaders is presenting in front of an audience and death…in that order! As long as you remain open to new ideas, skills, and perspectives, the potential for growth is limitless, and the opportunities for advancement are boundless.