Your openness is subjective based on how you feel and how others perceive you. A self-assessment quiz can gauge your level of openness. Read these statements and consider the degree to which you agree. You tend to be very open when you strongly agree with these statements. Disagreement with most of these statements indicates you are likely lower on the openness scale. Most people fall somewhere in the middle. The important outcome is a level of awareness.
- I have an active imagination.
- I have creative hobbies.
- I enjoy being around people with diverse backgrounds.
- I’m naturally curious about many things.
- I thrive in brainstorming sessions.
- I enjoy philosophical discussions.
- I enjoy cultural events.
- I’m more comfortable with theoretical discussions than with small talk.
- I think of myself as an artistic person.
- I can keep an open mind during discussions where I disagree with the other person or group.