The Four Umbrellas

The four umbrellas that represent a well-run organization are character, climate, ideology, and image.  These set the structure for how people act and interact with one another.  At its core, there is a sense of weather-making that creates the desired environment, how the entity chooses what is acceptable and necessary in how it thinks and runs day to day on numerous levels, and how it wants to be seen and felt by its constituency.

One way to clearly understand how an organization works is to look at its structure. Examine how it looks in response to Powerful Questions that reveal why the organization operates in the way it is designed.  This is the first step toward clarifying how one navigates the inner workings, beliefs, and practices used to maneuver through the company and determine the viability of working up the hierarchy of the entity.  This is accomplished through the REACH™ model.  To learn how to implement this tool in your own leadership journey, click the button to sign up for a strategy session. You’ll get a laser-focused opportunity to explore your needs and discover how you can REACH™ your leadership potential.