
self identify

This simple exercise and example will give you some insight into how you define yourself.   A strong self-identity will clarify your path in life and provide you with insight to bring laser-focus to your goals.

  1. List a few ways in which you self-identify.  Who are you?
  2. Think about what causes you to behave in these certain ways.

Let me use my statement to illustrate a point:  I identify as an executive coach of color who is curious why some people gravitate toward me while others retreat.

I didn’t start with this statement.  It took some thought and a lesson from a stranger.  Here’s what happened:  I used to identify as a coach.  I would tell people, “I am a coach.”  Then one day I overheard a European visitor in the US talking and he used the phrase “I do coaching.”  At that moment, it occurred to me that I Am a human being, not a human doing.  I changed my identity to be someone who does executive coaching and rethought my identity as an “I AM” statement.