Perception Matters

“Who you are being when you are saying what you are saying, says more about what you are saying, than what you are saying.”
Mike Lipkin
Consider your credibility
BS is unlikely to earn you the trust of your direct reports. They’ll see through you time and time again. You may get compliance, after all you’re the boss. Which do you prefer, compliance or engagement?
To have engaged team members who are motivated to achieve great things, it is important to know what you stand for and have an unmistakable sense of purpose. It is equally important to establish common ground and demonstrate that you are concerned about your team’s best interests.
Analyze your relationships

Every leader has several layers of connection throughout the organization. How you are perceived by those senior to you, your lateral peers and junior colleagues may vary. When you are preparing to bring people along on your legacy-building journey, a great starting point is to get clarity on how people feel about you. You can’t develop talent in a vacuum. Here are some key relationships to consider:
- Relationship Navigators – the people you want to get to know because of their role in the company’s operations
- Relationship Warriors – the allies who think strategically and make you aware, or remind you, of the landmines and pitfalls along the way
- Stakeholders – Those invested in your organization’s success and therefore are interested in supporting you in reaching the next chapter for what you bring to the table – mentors who are guiding you through your next chapter
- Leadership Pipeline – the people you coach and mentor who become part of your succession plan