Nurturing the Openness Mindset

It isn’t necessary to agree with everything and everyone. You will want to be curious to understand more effectively why they think the way they do and how their thinking informs their actions. Then you will experience a favorable outcome for getting to know others as you want them to know you. Before long, you can let go of that baggage that no longer suits you.

You gain so much when you move from closed-minded thinking to openness. Liken it to opening the door to a whole new world of possibilities.

Nurturing the Openness Mindset

Old Way of ThinkingMoving Toward
Remains in the “Box”Expands the box by flexing Ideas
Lack of ImaginationAbundance of Creativity
Relies on What They’ve Been TaughtCuriosity for/about the Unknown
Limited to Concrete ConceptsThinks in the Abstract; Embraces Possibilities
Sticks to the Tried and TruePushes Boundaries; Takes Risks
Prefers to Stick with Like-Minded PeopleEmbraces Diversity and the Gems that Follow