Legacy of Bringing Others Along: Developing People

When you move from one position to another in your organization, how will you be remembered by the team you may be leaving? What will your legacy be?
The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines legacy as “something transmitted by or received from an ancestor or predecessor or from the past”. It is never too early to start considering the kind of legacy you want to leave.
According to the Harvard Business Review, most research on power suggests that the sensation of power tends to make people more self-focused and self-interested. In contrast, building a people-centered legacy involves showing a genuine interest in helping those who have untapped potential.
Defining the Concept of Bringing Others Along
The act/ART of developing talent is a legacy-building skill that is worth cultivating. This skill is instrumental in helping emerging executives to SHOW UP as the leaders they are on track to be.
How developing people relates to legacy building
Being remembered for mentoring talented colleagues is a positive legacy to leave. When these new leaders use their unique gifts to drive the company’s success for years to come, your contribution lives on.
Beyond the legacy you leave, when you focus on raising people up, you’re likely to realize that it’s not about the accolades. There’s no substitute for the deep satisfaction of knowing that your journey was truly worth it. The value of your experience and skills is seen in the ways in which you develop people to help both the organization and employees maximize their potential. This becomes even more significant when there are talented individuals within the company who feel that they have no voice and lack empowerment. You can be their vehicle for real engagement and input as you bring them along on your journey to the top.
Your impact on others in your company is an important element in legacy-building. Have you designed a succession model? Are you constructing its foundation bit by bit? Your legacy won’t take shape overnight. It is crafted by the daily actions you take to help your team prosper without you in the future.