In whatever way you may have experienced it, I’m willing to bet that you have also experienced just the opposite more often than you would like. Particularly in a business situation when the desire to move quickly is paramount for the speaker. In those moments, you’ve probably wished the speaker would pause to give you a chance to process what they have just shared. Yet, they speed through.
The power of pause invites your audience to experience what you already know. It gives them a stake in the action.
Here are the Benefits of Perfecting the Pause:
- Allow your audience to think about what has just been shared before a new point is made.
- Let the speaker gather their thoughts and think about their next point.
- Gives the speaker the opportunity to catch their breath. Deep breathing calms the nerves and the fresh oxygen to the brain maintains the speaker’s focus.
- Let the audience take that same deep breath and maintain their focus on the information they are processing.
- Creates a connection between the audience and the speaker.
- The speaker can read their audience to create that connection and build understanding of the material.
- Allowing the audience and speaker to interact with each other regarding the material.