Hybrid Work-Space Roles

As a hybrid workspace became our new reality, management and employee roles were solidified.  Both positions required some guidelines to ensure that we were on the same page.  The new challenge came when some of us, as employees and managers, chose to return to office space while others remained at home.  We benefited in situations where there was continuity in treating employees in a way that resonates with them individually.  Whether an employee was in front of you in a conference room or on a Zoom call should make little difference in how they are treated. 

Diversity, equity, and inclusion in a hybrid workspace follow the same rules in a shared space.  Each employee has specific needs.  There are guidelines for disabilities, age groups, or cultural differences, but there is a minimal difference based on their location.  For example, when an employee requires a stand-up desk while in the office, they have shared what they need in their home office.  While fulfilling these needs might require more effort by the manager, doing so positively impacts the employees’ perception of being seen and heard.