Founders Corner – Life Planning Part II

August is Vacation month for many hard-working executives. It’s a time when many take their traditional annual vacation to rest, relax and maybe catch up on your reading list. We often spend more time with family and friends. See new vistas and visit places you’ve always wanted to go. Here at Triple Axle Executive Coaching, it’s planning month for our next 12 blogs we plan to publish. 

As we move into this month [August], I’m excited about the many celebrations coming up. All for different reasons. Some of which you’ll probably identify right away from having read our blog since 2021.

For instance, we are celebrating American Artists Appreciation Month. Coming from a performance artist background myself, and having dabbled in photography, drawing and design (furniture and interiors), I’m humbled by learning there is a month when we acknowledge the many creative artists in our midst.

There’s also Black Business Month, which is a reminder to me of having started seven different businesses in my career and now mounting the eighth as an executive coaching company. 

National Golf Month has a distant connection in my life when one of my relatives encouraged me to pick up the game when I lived in Boston. She said, “more decisions are made on a golf course than in any boardroom. Learn to play the game and see what happens.” While I did get myself a set of clubs and visited the Nashoba Valley driving range on a weekly basis, I didn’t quite take to the game of golf that nearly all my aunts and uncles have and continue to play in their 90s.

There are also special days of celebration that include National Womens and Women’s Equality Day, respectively on August 9th and 26th. My three decades of coaching women in figure skating have morphed into the two decades of helping women overcome imposter syndrome, release trauma to their confidence and inspire me to devote so much of my attention to women’s issues and build strong relationships with the women in my life.

World Humanitarian Day is celebrated on August 19th which sets the stage of Be Kind to Humankind Week celebrated August 25th till the end of the month. More than anything, my passion is to help executives seek their humanity in leading others. So I’m especially humbled by the notion that we observe humanitarians as appreciative contributors to society.

Then there’s one of my favorite acknowledgments that kicks off the month on the 1st, National Simplify Your Life Week; something I recently began doing before I knew there was a formal celebration designated to do so. Truth be known, with all the hoarders I’ve encountered in my experience, I try to simplify my life several times throughout the year.

Given so many reasons to celebrate, we’ve decided to coin it, Equality Acknowledgment and Endorsement Month.

Hi, I’m Byron Darden with another edition of Leading with Purpose on Purpose. As we conclude  our series on Transitions, we are building on what we began last month by introducing the transition of Life Planning. While recharging your battery, we invite you to give your future Life some thought.

To support you, we’re offering you some helpful ideas and tips on how to think about your future through Life Planning.

You may recall that I started my Life Planning in 2008 just before the Savings and Loan meltdown rocked our economic comfort zone. At the time, I had no awareness that my financial life would go into a tale spin. That event signaled my move to New York and the beginning of living my Life Plan in ways I couldn’t have imagined, with all the unexpected twists and turns that uncertainty brings to the impermanence of everything, everywhere, for everybody

You’ll learn about The Three questions that will get you thinking in ways you may never have considered before. We delve into the Heart’s Core; the center of what’s most important to you.

Come the fall it is my guess, somewhat from years of experience, that returning energized and invigorated from vacations, time away, sabbaticals, and in my case, my annual writing retreat, you will be set up for success. The season will change with the return to school mindset or continuing education, and you’ll have a refreshed perspective on what is most important to you. 

Once you get back to your roles as leaders, let’s plan to connect and explore how you can create the life you love. Enjoy!

Life Planning requires that you take Time to Think. Read on for more suggestions.