Founder’s Corner

“Don’t be afraid of the space between your dreams and reality. If you can dream it, you can make it so.” –Belva Davis

As we step into March to celebrate women’s month, I’m reminded of the first African-American woman to become a television reporter on the US west coast and winner of eight Emmy awards. Journalist Belva Davis shared these wise words to encourage all of us to live by, “Don’t be afraid of the space between your dreams and reality. If you can dream it, you can make it so.”

Belva Davis and her wisdom inspired many journalist who came after her. The sentiment behind Davis’ words are familiar to me given the similar message I grew up hearing from my mother. I include her in this month’s celebration of women as March also represents the month of my mother’s birth. She was one of the most influential women in my life who inspired me to focus on women in my coaching practice along with other, often marginalized communities striving to be recognized for what (value) they bring to the table in leadership.

As we kick off this historic month devoted to women, we begin this 5 part series on The Executive VOICE. This month we are focusing on values. In April we will turn our attention to intentionality followed by May when we will focus on consistency. We will then wrap up the series discussing the importance of engagement.

I trust you will gain much from this month’s focus on values as we explore what values based leadership is and how to begin thinking about the values you hold dear. We will continue our journey taking a look at ways to measure the culture value in your organization. We will touch on what it means to evolve as a leader with a few tips and considerations for how to deepen your understanding for why leading from your values benefits your organization, the teams you lead, the customers you serve, and You!