“Leadership is autobiographical. If I don’t know your life story, I don’t know a thing about you as a leader.” -Noel Tichy
Your Autobiography is your only way to author your own leadership. When you fail to take the initiative to write it, your audience will write it themselves. Most likely, vital facts will be left out, and you will be framed based on someone else’s view of you…unabridged.
This is a lesson learned I share with principals in public school systems across the United States. I implore them to write their own story and share it generously with others as often as necessary to keep the story straight. As simple a question as, Why do you do what you do? It can spark the engine that drives the message of who you are to explain what you do and why it is significant to you. These are the stories that inspire our teams to follow our leadership vision. These images paint a clear picture of what others can expect from you. These are the expectations you’ve set for yourself that give rise to how others will take them up as their own.