There are innovations in healthcare, doctors who buck the system, and patients who bring knowledge to doctors who can set their egos aside to listen to options. This trend is essential to continue, though it is difficult to change a system with long-held yet evolving traditions that seem more bottom-line-focused than patient-focused.
This attitude often starts in residencies. In their efforts to condition future doctors for the pressure, they are pushed hard in training. Sleep deprivation and self-sacrifice are expectations. The fast-paced decision-making process is ingrained. “Working to exhaustion is considered a badge of honor; breaks signify weakness” is how one resident in training boils it down. They are taught this is the norm, so the practice perpetuates.
Consider the impact of management supporting, nurturing, and guiding with a checklist instead of the drill sergeant mindset! Consider the impact of a strong establishment of mentors and coaches instead of senior staff building a reputation for eating their young! Evolving healthcare culture is a difficult task and, while it won’t be accomplished overnight, there are steps that can be taken for the sake of progress.