Create Your Destiny

I’m currently developing a tool called the LLC, Limited Liability Climber© in which you will create a type of business plan called the Leadership Advancement Plan©. The intention is to support leaders like yourself or emerging leaders interested in moving into executive positions, to approach their desired path as you would a Limited Liability Company. The idea is to help you look at the landscape of your organization as an opportunity to create something that is sustainable long after your involvement.
What you will generate is a development, much like one might develop land for housing or commercial use. An example might be that you are creating a tract of land for housing. That’s a community a bit larger than New York City’s Central Park.
Level the Playing Field
Consider to what extent there is reason to level the land or find ways to take advantage of the rolling hills that exist. Determine the best way to bring water to the area so that home dwellers are easily connected to the community water and sewer system. Figure out how close to an existing school system your land is and determine whether or not school planning will benefit your future community. Remember, the more thorough you are in your planning, the more effective your execution.
When I was training for a competitive season in figure skating, my father, a track and field athlete himself use to remind me, “plan your work and work your plan.” Should you deviate from your plan, be certain there is just cause. Otherwise you could be derailing your goal and setting yourself up for a domino effect that will render your plan less effective.
As you would any other plan, determine where you are and where you want to be. Then figure out the steps you’ll take to move from your present state to your future state.