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According to a 2013 survey done by Harvard Business Review, female managers in Fortune 500 organizations wholeheartedly put office politics on their list of things they hated most about business meetings. These women felt uncomfortable and did not know how to handle the interpersonal conflicts that arose. In fact, more than 50% of women give up on their dreams of getting where they want because they do not want to deal with a politically charged environment. Or they are led to believe the price to pay is too high and the rewards are not great enough to bother.
This does not have to be the case. There are strategies that you can learn and implement that help you navigate the murky waters. Among these are building relationships with those that can advocate on your behalf, study and understand personality behaviors that you may encounter, and understand that most politics arenot personal. They are reflection of a particular person and their experiences.
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Finding an unbiased sounding board and mentor can also give you a clearer picture of the actions you’ll profit from taking. An executive coach can provide you tools that will allow you to navigate work politics without sacrificing your true self.
In the wise words of thought leader Michael Bassey Johnson, “You do not attain success when you associate with those in high positions, it comes when you accept yourself and realize that only you can take yourself to where your heart truly lies.”
Take action to further your career. Remaining stuck in a difficult situation in which office politics get the best of you serves no one. Take a stand for your career goals by taking the Leadership Styles Quiz to help you transform your work environment and yourself. Consider booking a Strategy Session to explore how we can together, help you navigate your specific situation. You’ll be invited to set up a Strategy Session to speak with me following the results of the quiz.