Challenges of Hybrid Work Spaces

In addition, a hybrid workforce presents unique challenges:

  1. Dropped calls, down internet connectivity, and an IT department not physically present in the same building when your computer breaks.  Technology is fantastic and surprisingly erratic at times. “Can you hear me now?” Meetings sometimes fail to run smoothly.  Some connections are weak; we can be challenged to find a quiet place to be heard, screen shares can blip, and it’s easy for people to tune out.
  2. Swarms of people meet at Katie’s desk, for example, to enjoy cake and ice cream to celebrate birthdays back in the office.  A hybrid team gets to be more innovative!  Happy hours are scheduled over Zoom, open lines of communication are increased, and employees get to know one another on an individual basis – creating a sense of caring. 
  3. Some are challenged to embrace remote working situations.  Some enjoy the face-to-face comraderies with others.  Keep your eyes and ears open for employees experiencing isolation and encourage participation in meetings and on different projects.  Differentiate those employees who are introverted and love long hours of productivity. A leader will want to develop their intuitive talents to remain abreast of the needs of their teams.