Building Relationship

“The business of business is relationships; the business of life is human connection.” – Robin Sharma
Our connection to others is a crucial part of life. How successful you are or what opportunities come your way often depends on the relationships that you build. When a team melds cohesively, it can be due in a large part to the relationships that have been nurtured over time. The relationship dynamic is complex and does not happen overnight. It takes time and effort for two people. What constitutes a good relationship in the workplace and how can one build authentic relationships that last?
Relationships Defined
Building a relationship can happen in many dynamics. When you sell a product or service, you can develop a relationship with your customers by building trust and adding value. This can be accomplished by providing excellent customer service, developing a quality product, and treating customers with respect. Building personal relationships involves building trust, treating others with care, and recognizing the benefits of the union. Building relationships in the business world is much the same.
Building Relationship is the process by which you tap into your ability to connect with others. Then you move to develop, maintain, and strengthen that connection over time for the mutual benefit of you and the other person. Let’s explore each of these areas.
Building relationships can be based on many different factors. A common factor can be by sharing values or experiences or identifying commonalities that set you apart from others, yet draw you together. You might meet someone at a trade show and find out that you both grew up in Michigan and are now both in Marketing.
A second way is by celebrating the differences that set you apart and in the same way, makes you curious. For example, you love the ocean yet have always spent time in the Midwest. You meet someone who lived there whole like at the water’s edge. Your differences might lead to some interesting conversations.
A third way is by questioning your values and developing thought-provoking questions. Persons of different cultures with open minds might offer each other a unique perspective of world events. This could lead to some lively discussions.
Building a relationship involves applying a set of skills that enable you to engage with the other person in such a way that creates comfort and encourages open and honest communication. No matter what your background, these skills can bridge gaps.