Applying Executive Leadership Presence

Learn how to make practical applications of your presence in real time to any leadership situation you encounter.

I recently worked with a consultant preparing to step into the principal role in their company. We discussed how one needs to develop specific skills to effectively communicate ideas with clients, inspire teams to get the work done, and motivate others to take appropriate action on their vision internally and externally. They felt overwhelmed with understanding what it takes to build their leadership muscle.

As we explored their overwhelm, it became clear that the heart of the matter was less about what to do and entirely about how to do it. We began by looking at the “how” through the lens of skills and behaviors that are specific and actionable in what needs to be developed. Once they got the hang of the idea – that the how depends on granular specificity – they recognized what needed to be done and the overwhelm subsided.

Are you finding yourself experiencing that moment known as the dear in the headlights? You know the one I mean. You’re delivering another PowerPoint presentation and your audience is looking at you with an expression on their faces that you can’t quite determine whether it is delight or disappointment. We can help you eliminate the anxiety of not knowing and turn those unclear facial expressions into appreciation for delivering a memorable and insightful presentation. Click the button below and book a strategy session to see how we might help you make that difference.