Founder’s Corner

Consistency is the name of the game! – Billie Norris, Writer and Luxury Lifestyle Specialist

As you can see by these images that depict that very concept. In this addition of Leading With Purpose On Purpose we are continuing our series on The Executive VOICE and we are addressing what many of us struggle to do day in and day out and that is to do whatever we do well, regularly!

Particularly when it comes to leading teams, our businesses and ourselves.

In a world of constant change, the only thing that actually remains the same, we are charged with finding a way to nurture an environment where employees, managers and leaders can function knowing that, while change is always taking place, there are some things we can count on. Clients still need what we have to offer. Employees can count on one another to make the effort to accomplish necessary and continually lengthening list of tasks and To Dos. Managers continue to show up to guide their teams through projects. And leaders are counted on to keep the fire burning on the vision for which we work so hard to bring more fully into focus.

The types of things that do tend to remain as a constant are how we show up as leaders. For example, while expectations may change their need for clarity remains. The desire for balance and trust remain paramount. And the ongoing support necessary for the front line of employees and managers are without question, crucial in order to keep the productivity of teams moving down the railroad track into the next station.

There’s an old saying in New England, particularly in the state of Maine, “you can’t get there from here!” Meaning, that when you want to reach some far away location, gaining access can be rather extensive, and the directions can be so complicated, that it leaves some flustered enough to give up. That can sound like a work situation that causes people to quit.

The aspect of complication in this context is the ever changing landscape requiring a break in consistency we yearn for that allow us to get from point A to B. This constant state of flux is all the more reason for leaders to show up consistently creating space to help teams thrive. It could be living up to your personal brand to show up when you say you will and do what you say you will do. That’s easier said than done!

As leaders, maintaining as stable a foundation as possible, helps those we lead stay grounded and confident that they can get the job done and done well, and in most cases, meeting deadlines.