Author: Byron Darden

Create a Strategic Plan

Create a Strategic Plan

According to a 2013 survey done by Harvard Business Review, female managers in Fortune 500 organizations wholeheartedly put office politics on their list of things they hated most about business meetings. These women felt uncomfortable and did not know how to handle the interpersonal conflicts that arose.  In fact, more than 50% of women give up on their dreams of getting where they want because they do not want to deal with a politically charged environment. Or they are led to believe the price to pay is too high and the rewards are not great enough to bother.

This does not have to be the case.  There are strategies that you can learn and implement that help you navigate the murky waters.  Among these are building relationships with those that can advocate on your behalf, study and understand personality behaviors that you may encounter, and understand that most politics arenot personal. They are reflection of a particular person and their experiences.

Get Feedback

Finding an unbiased sounding board and mentor can also give you a clearer picture of the actions you’ll profit from taking. An executive coach can provide you tools that will allow you to navigate work politics without sacrificing your true self.

In the wise words of thought leader Michael Bassey Johnson, “You do not attain success when you associate with those in high positions, it comes when you accept yourself and realize that only you can take yourself to where your heart truly lies.”

Take action to further your career.  Remaining stuck in a difficult situation in which office politics get the best of you serves no one.  Take a stand for your career goals by taking the Leadership Styles Quiz to help you transform your work environment and yourself.  Consider booking a Strategy Session to explore how we can together, help you navigate your specific situation. You’ll be invited to set up a Strategy Session to speak with me following the results of the quiz.

Founder’s Corner: Invest in Yourself

Founder’s Corner: Invest in Yourself

Some years ago I had the opportunity to work with a manager who was eager to land an executive role within her company. You can read more about her story in this month’s blog and learn how she moved ahead into a leadership role. She also taught me a lesson that still fills me with gratitude after all these years.

Writing about her story prompted me to share a story of my own regarding what I learned from her during our work together. Because as much as I recognize the blind spots we discover about our roles in business, I’m always delighted when I learn something new that I can add to my toolkit to help others navigate more effectively in their roles. I was particularly pleased and a bit surprised when she offered me a tip in return.

During one of our coaching sessions, my client noticed my shoes and commented, “By the way, nice shoes.” I too had been coached to buy better shoes since I was working in Fortune 500 companies. A dear friend pulled me aside and remined me that I could do a better job of looking the part of the successful consultant.

He led me to buy a pair of high quality dress shoes claiming that the hefty price I paid would save me money in the long run and profit me in how clients experienced my presence. I gulped from sticker shock when I saw the price tag. I had become use to paying $100/150 for a pair of dress shoes every year and a half or so. I decided to take the plunge and invest in myself. I was so pleased at how comfortable they were and how well they held up that I purchased a second pair in a different color a few years later. That was over fifteen years ago. I still wear those shoes today and can happily say, I made a great investment!

Lesson Learned: Stay open to learning and you’re sure to grow and humanize yourself with others. You’ll discover that you connect more effectively in your relationships with direct reports, colleagues and senior leadership.

Using Company Politics to Achieve Your Goals

Using Company Politics to Achieve Your Goals

Sometimes we must step back and get an objective opinion of our situation in order to move forward.

A client of mine was having a tough time climbing the corporate ladder to executive status. She wasn’t sure how to navigate the sometimes “murky waters” of the Fortune 100 financial services company in which she is now a vice-president. She was having trouble seeing how her behaviors were affecting her progress toward the role for which she was striving.

We worked to address skills we deemed necessary to build, behaviors to consider adopting and activities that allowed her to experience her natural leadership talents. As she implemented these skills, she gained confidence as she began to profit from her efforts. That put her on a trajectory path toward success. We communicated regularly and adjusted strategies based on feedback she received from her prior actions. Soon, she was promoted to a VP level in the organization.

While your efforts may take time to bear fruit, keep moving forward, building relationships, and making progress toward your goal. None of these actions are wasted. They instead become feathers in your cap to be admired.

Create Your Destiny

Create Your Destiny

I’m currently developing a tool called the LLC, Limited Liability Climber© in which you will create a type of business plan called the Leadership Advancement Plan©. The intention is to support leaders like yourself or emerging leaders interested in moving into executive positions, to approach their desired path as you would a Limited Liability Company. The idea is to help you look at the landscape of your organization as an opportunity to create something that is sustainable long after your involvement.

What you will generate is a development, much like one might develop land for housing or commercial use. An example might be that you are creating a tract of land for housing. That’s a community a bit larger than New York City’s Central Park.

Level the Playing Field

Consider to what extent there is reason to level the land or find ways to take advantage of the rolling hills that exist. Determine the best way to bring water to the area so that home dwellers are easily connected to the community water and sewer system. Figure out how close to an existing school system your land is and determine whether or not school planning will benefit your future community. Remember, the more thorough you are in your planning, the more effective your execution.

When I was training for a competitive season in figure skating, my father, a track and field athlete himself use to remind me, “plan your work and work your plan.” Should you deviate from your plan, be certain there is just cause. Otherwise you could be derailing your goal and setting yourself up for a domino effect that will render your plan less effective.

As you would any other plan, determine where you are and where you want to be. Then figure out the steps you’ll take to move from your present state to your future state.

Create a Sense of Authority

Create a Sense of Authority

Office politics is something a lot of people strive to avoid in order to maintain their comfort zone and have a sense of perceived control. Hiding under a rock may seem like the safe route to take, yet it will not serve you in the long run. It will send a message to your co-workers that you are hesitant to take a stand, or that you are aloof. That is, unless you find yourself in a situation where it feels best to do nothing because there is evidence suggesting the issue will resolve itself. Bottom line, you must show a strong presence, demonstrate decisive and sound action as well as show a great deal of understanding.

People often assume that office politics is something that cannot be changed and must be tolerated. More accurately, the conscious effort to create an environment in which politics can effectively be used to influence workable change and executed to encourage what Buddhist teachings address as “right action.”

Face Politics Head On

While there are pros and cons to office politics, including their effective and limiting aspects, they warrant closer attention and study on your part.

When you face issues head on, you are more likely to be taken seriously. Instead of avoiding situations and appearing resistant and slow to act, learn to respond in the moment and demonstrate flexibility. You will more easily step out of your comfort zone, blaze a new path for women (and other leaders) in your organization while discovering that taking action is one of the most effective ways to respond when you’re faced with overwhelm.

When you avoid politics, you may appear close minded or reluctant to learn and change. As you set a clear example and build confidence in your abilities, you inspire people, build beneficial relationships, and get things done.

Move forward, rather than standing still or moving backward and be the change you want to see. While a familiar lament, one worth consideration.

Developing Effective Relationships

Developing Effective Relationships

Building strategic associations with people you know and like is a great place to start navigating the organizational scene. Get to know others on a personal basis and offer to collaborate for the purpose of building professional relationships. When seeking promotions, managing highly politically charged issues, or just plain staying out of hot water, a relationship well developed ahead of time will build a basis for effectual communication. Handling challenging situations effectively will deepen trust, allowing the ability to navigate these sticky issues with grace. Your focus is to ruffle the least number of feathers while achieving your goals.

Face Conflicts Head-On

When confronted by a potentially volatile situation, identify and speak to the problem immediately. As a colleague of mine often remarked, “communicate early and often.” Determine your role in relation to the other stakeholders. Strive to understand each person’s hidden agenda and level of understanding.
• Are they being difficult, or do they have a true grievance?
• What can you do to ensure their wishes are met, while keeping in mind the bottom line?
• In what ways is your intervention beneficial or a detriment?

As you focus on the facts of the issue, you can plan a course of action. You can strengthen your leadership skills and look for win-win possibilities. When you understand the motivations behind behaviors, you can step into roles that can influence more harmony.

Lead with Style and Grace

As a leader, you have key responsibilities including setting a good example by avoiding game playing as part of your management style. Treat staff and their opinions as important contributions and reward great work ethics and behaviors according to the rewards system put in place. Keep communication channels open and consider establishing an open-door policy so team members can feel free to let you know when counterproductive work politics that you might not be aware of appear destructive.

However possible, be sure to address politically charged situations before they escalate to a point of becoming unmanageable. Have a plan and execute it appropriately and consistently. When in doubt, seek the support from your trusted advisors.

A Smoother Road to the Top

As someone that is working their way up the corporate ladder, conduct yourself in a manner that promotes your abilities, while acting with integrity. While it’s tempting to discredit others, tout your accomplishments to excess, or “kiss up” to the boss, these behaviors do not endear you to others on the team and will not serve you well as you ascend the corporate ladder.

Memories tend to be short on many issues. Yet they can remain strong and sometimes become distorted on others. Even manic in other cases, thus creating more headaches than you might have imagined possible and yet, they need to be relieved. So be a team player who empathizes with others and be sure to build and deepen those relationships as you go.

Defining Company Politics

Defining Company Politics

Company politics done the effective way is a potent tool of empowerment. It is the art of inspiring others to expand their thinking and pique their interest to be brave and relevant. Motivate others to value your opinion by having a thoughtful approach, setting boundaries, encouraging women in leadership, and creating an environment with diverse views, inclusion, and equality.

Office politics has the ability to create havoc and destruction, or can be used to create new ideas, instill passion in projects, and build a supportive team environment. It all depends on how you build relationships and navigate sticky situations. When you think of the organization as a rocky place where you must avoid the sharp edges, you may have a hard time bringing continuity.

Embrace Your Role

When you try and keep yourself on the moral high ground, you also alienate yourself from critical issues. What you want to focus on is being somewhere in the middle where you can recognize, understand, and take action to confront the rough spots head on. Hence the “equal” in equality. Add to that a dose of the win-win mindset. Then evaluate and use each situation to your advantage, putting a positive spin on differences.

Some might think that once you get to the CEO position, you are done with politics. In fact, navigating politics becomes even more important, and this is where you can use your influence to shape the culture of your organization, while at the same time being an example for stellar behavior by seeking meaningful relationships, thinking outside traditional boundaries, and recognizing strength areas on your team. A leader must be able to recognize divisions that exist and bridge the gaps in an effective manner.

How to Strategize Navigating Company Politics

How to Strategize Navigating Company Politics

The Emancipation Proclamation declared that the government will recognize and maintain the freedom of persons held as slaves, and “will do no act or acts to repress such persons, or any of them, in any efforts they may make for their actual freedom.” While this was said in the context of great oppression, we can take lessons from this act and incorporate it into our daily lives.

In a perfect world, we would all live and work in harmony. When we take to heart the wise words of Abraham Lincoln, we would not even contemplate the seemingly inevitable side effect of working in an office environment known as company politics. In reality, we are human with emotions and agendas.

In an office setting, there are often a wide variety of personalities that must meld together for the common goals of the company. Some of these people have different desires and career goals. Some naturally take a stronger role than others. The challenge is when the actions of some create an environment in which all are unable to participate fairly. Then you must learn to navigate your way through that world without losing your drive and spark. This will take some careful planning.

Addressing Diversity and Inclusion: An Equitable Approach

Addressing Diversity and Inclusion: An Equitable Approach

Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) are not just buzzwords to throw around to suggest you care.  Businesses and individuals alike benefit from understanding and embracing these concepts with their hearts and actions.  Recognizing holidays and hiring a diverse workforce is a start, and it deserves a much deeper dive.  Changing the culture of an organization that has been set in its traditions for a long period of time is challenging, and there is hope.  We will provide guidelines to get you started on the path to creating an environment where all members of the organization feel included and equal no matter their background.

What is DEI?

Let’s start by defining the three elements that comprise DEI:

Diversity is the acknowledgement of differences as they relate to a community of people, within a grouping such as a container of ideas, and ultimately a way of looking at relational aspects of a mixture of places, people and things.

Equity is the treatment of people based on their individual needs.  Many people talk about equity as treating people equally and while that is a great start, it fails to consider that not everyone starts off at the same level.

Inclusion is related to the quality of human experience by consciously demonstrating how people are valued and encouraging them to participate based on that value.

To clarify, let me pose this example.  You host a dance.  You invite a varied group of individuals to the gathering (diversity), you invite them on to the floor to participate in the dance (equity), and you ask about their preferences in music (inclusion).

Altogether, the instituting and management of DEI within an organization is the ability to identify and implement an approach to recruit, retain and oversee the development of a broad range of people’s differences. Examples of these differences are many and include geographic location, individual differences, family and class, trends of the times, and cultural manifestations of other.  These aspects draw on the value of their talents in a just and balanced way that strengthens organizational outcomes and success.

Essentially, treating each individual with dignity and respect regarding what they require to function well and remain motivated, while recognizing these differences, is the ultimate goal. Truth is, there are countless examples where such practices are not as common as one might think. Why is this so difficult?  In a global context, going back to the caveman days, and the discovery of early or “new man” from Neander Valley, we were comfortable with those in our own tribe. When an outsider came along, we were slow to trust and add them to the fold.  Their ideas may have been different based on their experiences.  In an American context, our comfort was challenged by the dynamic of the enslaved vs the liberated. When an outsider came along, both communities were unwelcoming to the fold, yet the enslaved felt their only choice was to assimilate.

This dynamic adds a level of complexity to the current dilemma of determining how to move forward as a global society to a more equitable balance concerning differences. How do we reframe the way we experience differences rather than within the opposing paradigm of right vs wrong, white vs black and brown and mocha and on through the many shades of one’s lens?

Isn’t the glory of diversity a springboard to inspiration?  I recall complaining about having to face so many changes in my grade school experience to which my mother shared the perspective, “wouldn’t life be boring and dull if everything was always the same?”  Just the imagery of that statement shifted my attitude. Being open to new ideas leads to creativity and innovation.  This study by McKinsey & Company clearly shows that businesses who embrace DEI are leaders in the industry.  They think outside of the box and provide better products and services to a wide variety of customers. 

Imbalance can occur in many areas:

  1. By virtue of skin color
  2. Through gender differences
  3. Among those with different sexual identities
  4. In generational gaps, for example millennials in contract to Baby Boomers
  5. Among those of different religious beliefs

In a modern world, these areas could seem irrelevant. Instead the focus could be on ideas and contributions that expand awareness and deepen understanding.  Growth and development could be central to our economy. Sustainability and renewal would play a greater role in our global community thinking. Unfortunately, our differences matter in people’s perceptions and actions. Underlying biases affect what you believe no matter how open you think you are.

Then again, there exists the superpower of reframing as my mother demonstrated with me. It caused a shift in my negative perception of change relating to school. That lead to different actions taken on my part concerning improved grades and more discerning choices.

As you think about biases and how they manifest themselves in your life and organization, you want to consider an equitable DEI approach.  There are several things you can do to treat everyone equitably in the hiring process, in the workplace, and in every aspect of society.

How is It Done?

In an organization, success often involves a top-down approach.  A leader that has a clear understanding of DEI can lead by example.  They can guide top management to slowly implement inclusionary programs. Where a company culture is deeply ingrained, this may take time.  This may also take some significant effort in certain areas to eliminate imbalance. This is where our EXECUTIVE WOMEN – VIP Program’s approach to root analysis provides clarity on how to proceed effectively.

Starting from the hiring process, management will want to choose the best candidate, no matter what their cultural background, while at the same time balancing a diverse collection of people for the sake of broad perspectives. When you are not receiving resumes from a diverse group of candidates, you may benefit from looking in a different place.  Encourage those of all backgrounds to apply.  Develop a DEI philosophy and place it in plain view.  Make it crystal clear that reasonable accommodations will be made for differences and why.  Be sure to outline low tolerance policies.  Be certain to include anyone that meets the qualifications.  Some employers hide personal information on resumes from the hiring manager, so the selection is based on qualifications only.  Standardized interview questions are also a good technique to lessen unconscious biases.

Conduct studies so you know a fair wage for a position based on abilities and then carry that across the board.  Whomever you hire, fair and equitable salaries maintain integrity.  Create an onboarding process that includes DEI training.  Set expectations up front defining the expected company culture.  Yet, make the effort to work with people and compromise based on the needs of the individual. Corporate assimilation will not allow differences to flourish and be the contribution that’s possible.

Once in the workplace, education is key.  Many behaviors that discriminate occur because of inexperience or ignorance, not because of malice.  Simply addressing the issues that are important to different groups and creating empathy is paramount.  The innumerable ways this can occur are as varied as your workforce – floating holidays to accommodate religious preferences, setting up day care to help out working moms, offering work from home options, or setting up stricter anti-discrimination policies.

When promoting from within, follow the same guidelines – based on abilities, strengths and contributions.  When someone wants to move up the management structure and they are lacking in a particular area, offer classes, mentoring opportunities, and suggestions for progression along the career path.  Create an environment where your employees can succeed.  Include diversity metrics and tie them to annual compensation and bonuses.

Create diversity at top management.  These folks are the voice of your company.  Gone are the “old boys” network and promotions of your friends.  You are stifling growth and keeping the status quo. 

Why is It Important?

Corporate culture has traditions and preconceptions.  When you are not in a particular demographic, you might feel a lack of belonging, or that the cards are stacked against you.  Whether this is true or not, it is up to human resources and company policies to show that they embrace diversity, equity, and inclusion.  This will better serve their customers and their brand image in the market place.

The current diverse employee population mirrors its customers far greater than in the past making it beneficial for companies to embrace diversity, equity and inclusion to draw more customers and ultimately increase their bottom line.

Align Your Values

To align with your customer base, there are some key principles to follow:

  1. Move toward internal inclusiveness to align with your externally broad customer base.
  2. Move away from destructive racist behaviors to attract a more diversified talent base that broadens the perspective of the company as a whole and in turn impacts the bottom line.
  3. Create an environment that cultivates and empowers everyone to want to perform at their best.  Endorse and reward employees who embrace and model DEI principles.
  4. When the market and customer-base feel cared about, they are more likely to gear their dollars towards the brand and products.

R.E.A.C.H. to Bridge the Gap

To achieve a DEI breakthrough, navigate these steps to get at the heart of the issue:

Root – Study your organization’s history and understand how it got to its current state and what makes it grow and evolve.

Establish – Determine the fundamental elements of your corporate culture.  Do they align with a DEI strategy?  What is necessary to change?

Assess – Analyze what is working and determine what improvements will benefit the whole.  Break these down in order of critical importance and impact to the organization.

Change – Start small; build gradually.  Encourage participation of the entire company.

Hone – Celebrate your successes and build on them.  Continue to explore how your organization reacts to changes.  Try different approaches and see which ones fit.  Some will require more work than others, keeping in mind that any change is a step in the right direction.

Soon, the full potential of your organization will be in reach with you as a major player in leadership.

Cultivate Support Systems

Be impeccable with your word and operate with integrity in your actions.  When you say one thing and demonstrate another, you are going to lose credibility.  When credibility is compromised, recovery can be thwarted with insurmountable odds and road blocks limiting movement along the path.

Encourage others to bring their ideas to the table.  Listening and keeping an open mind is a big part of inclusion.  Wherever someone is within the hierarchy, they deserve to have a say.  This is a cornerstone of inclusion.  It doesn’t matter who you are – individuals want to feel valued.

The direction of DEI can come from the top, yet its success depends on a company-wide effort. A good support system will make ideas travel like wildfire.

Your Bottom Line

Companies who adopt DEI practices see results in their bottom line.  Harvard Business Review did a study a few years ago where they asked 1700 companies across eight countries about diversity in management positions.  It found that “companies with above-average total diversity … had both 19% points higher innovation revenues and 9% points higher EBIT margins, on average.”  This study measured statistics based on gender, age, national origin, career path, industry background, and education.

People from all backgrounds have ideas that they want heard and taken seriously.  It is well worth your time and effort to set a DEI program in motion and begin or continue to implement programs today that create an environment where people feel free to innovate tomorrow.

Continue on the Path

Diversity is all around you.  Inclusion comes from your heart.  Equity is the way you put those beliefs into practice.   Listen, care, and empathize with those around you.  Learn all you can about others and strive to understand the impact of their origin and how that contributes to your organization.  Keep your word.  Stand for who you are while giving space to others to follow suit. Seek insight into how your organization can work together as a whole. Commit to leading in ways that benefits all.  Search for other perspectives, continually explore and reflect on your own hidden biases.

Develop a culture where people are acknowledged and feel included.  Keep the lines of communication open and be ready to address issues.  Be cognizant that you effectively create a solution that maintains balance on both sides of the scale.  The point here is to bring staff to an even playing field. 

In the words of Albert Einstein, “We must not only learn to tolerate our differences. We must welcome them as the richness and diversity which can lead to true intelligence.”

Remember that you can make a difference with your thoughts, words, and actions.  The world is constantly evolving, and we will want to adapt in order to succeed.  My mind goes back to the dinosaurs, and their failure to adapt to a new environment.  We have research identifying how that turned out.  You are more resilient, and you can be the catalyst for change.  

Let’s start together by taking action toward your development as a leader. Why not take the Leadership Styles Quiz to help you transform your work environment? Then take the next step in your journey by booking a Strategy Session to explore how we can get you prepared to sit at the decision-making table.

Coming Events:

Diversity & Inclusion 5-Day Mini Course

May 31 to June 4

Masterclass – June 4

Stop Being Blacklisted and Climb the Corporate Ladder by Solving the People Puzzle

Founder’s Corner:

When have you felt excluded or that the silence of your voice rang loudest? It is one thing to feel as though you are the only one in the room. It is quite another when your voice – made significant by its solo existence – is silenced in the room by the deciding action that censors you.

That is the situation I found myself when the chosen action eliminated my voice, marginalized my opinion and triggered ill feelings that haunted me for years. The very client who revered my work during the initial delivery, championed my work by shortlisting me on all future deliveries. Then after the second coaching session, I learned I would not be invited back to coach in the future. Allegedly I made “odd comments” and leadership thought it best to remove me from the coaching roster.

I was devastated. Given all the successes and accolades that came my way prior, this particular situation ended with quite a different outcome. When questioned about whether or not a woman of color was in my group, my memory did not serve me well enough to recall. I then asked for more detail which was slow to come. When I asked for more context, it was the “odd comments” which brought into question my professionalism and appropriateness. Yet I was left in the dark by the vague accusation regarding what those odd comments were.

When I finally pressed for more detail I was told that I expressed my opinion to an African-American woman that she was not white enough to serve in a leadership role. I was at a loss for how to respond. I wasn’t the only one to respond as I did. No one involved in this client contract who knew me and my work well, could imagine those words coming from me. That sentiment bears no resemblance to anything contributing to my character.

Still, the accusation was entered and my integrity was under examination.  The consummate positive thinker I strive to be in all situations, I offered the solution to sit down for a clarifying conversation with the client with the intention and hope of clearing the air of misunderstanding. That conversation was not granted. In contrast, there was never to be an opportunity for me to clear my name nor was there even a consideration for such a conversation to take place. I felt gagged and muted as though I had no voice nor reason to be heard. I was not allowed the courtesy of addressing the accusation in any way. I felt guilty as charged with no chance for parole.

I was clearly at a loss by the outcome. Though I was reassured this would not be held against me. It was explained that I could not expect to make everybody happy all of the time. So let this one go and move on with my life. Several months later I was denied a promotion, citing client dissatisfaction in the past.

I learned two valuable lessons that day. One, it is impossible to be sure how others will resonate with the things we do and say. Two, always check in to find out how something you say or do resonates with others. Taking that last action can be crucial to your insight into the understanding of others. One caveat when checking in to learn how something resonates with others, you will want to pay attention to what is not being shared with you. Not everyone may or can clarify how something resonates with them. Lesson learned: when you are the only one in the room, your actions and words have a deafening presence. Be mindful how you show up.

One with you,


Coming in June:

Juneteenth (June 19) – Emancipation Proclamation

(June 4) – Masterclass

(June 14) – Kick off call for EXECUTIVE WOMEN – VIP Program

(June 21) – Start date for EXECUTIVE WOMEN – VIP Program