We must understand how men and women evolved throughout history in order to understand how we came to where we are today. Our early ancestors were hunter-gatherers. They moved from place to place and followed the food source. The men traditionally hunted enough game to feed the tribe. The women gathered berries and plants. There was no refrigeration – when they were hungry, they sought food. Today, the topic of weather is considered small talk, yet for early man, weather patterns were a matter of life and death. How we deal with environmental adaptations determines our health and success in the boardroom.
Later, farming was established, and the nomadic way of life became towns and villages. The community had to grow enough to support themselves, and our food sources changed.
Our modern food system is built upon volume and convenience. Processed foods are quick yet tend to lack essential vitamins and minerals. For example, farming and processing practices strip off the husks of rice and then replace those lost nutrients and fiber with chemicals and additives. They add flavors and dyes to make things palatable. Produce is shipped from all over the world and is often ripened artificially. Our bodies are not designed for this lifestyle, so making proper choices become challenging.
We can walk into the grocery store and pick out produce from halfway around the world. We can choose between frozen, packaged, boxed, or fresh fare. In the event cooking is not your thing (or passion), you can grab a frozen dinner and zap it in the microwave. When you find that too difficult, you can get food through the window of your vehicle.
The problem is that when you choose fast food options, you develop a fast-food body, mind, and spirit. Continuing on this path can cause you to miss the nutrients your body needs, and your body will eventually protest.