Importance of Culture

As we kick off our series on company culture, it is helpful to note common and not-so-common characteristics seen in various industries. We will explore different sectors over the next several months to better understand how to navigate their structure to advance and greatly influence how your organization evolves the post urgency of the COVID environment. It also helps to further define and align with what Founder and Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum, Professor Klaus Schwab coined as the  Fourth Industrial Revolution, published in January 2016.

We’ll look at why 46% of job seekers in 2021 feel that company culture is essential when choosing your employment. We will uncover why married candidates value culture more than their single counterparts? What causes 94% of entrepreneurs and 88% of job seekers to say that healthy workplace culture is vital for success? How is having highly engaged employees leading to a whopping 202% increase in performance? Want to learn how to ramp up your performance exponentially? Take the leadership Styles quiz and understand where your growing edge lies.