Aligning Culture with Policies and Procedures

An example of how a company stays on course is through its checks and balances that allow leaders to note where shoring up policies and procedures may prove necessary. At the same time, studied successes can provide insights on how to maximize and expand what is working to avoid choices that work less effectively.  This is akin to the workability of leadership behaviors versus skills and behaviors that do not serve the organization’s effort to move forward successfully.

Culture and policies go hand in hand.  Policies can either help or hinder your cultural ideals.  For example, when you have a strict policy on workplace etiquette and encourage people to think outside of the box, these two might not work best together.  Revisiting policies with employees encourages collaboration and compliance. 

Culture and values are not just something thought up by management that employees and associates are expected to follow.  They are the reason for what you do.  When employees can feel the purpose, they will be in alignment with company values.  When you have employees who want flexibility and put them under constant pressure to perform, you will want to rethink that policy.