A Culture that Attracts Customers

A company’s culture is essential to serve its mission, vision, and the people it helps internally and externally.  The process by which a company gets things done is similar to a supply chain that determines how goods and services move from raw ingredients to a finished deliverable.  As such, a leader wants to be steeped in the ways of their organization’s history and how that history plays out into the present moment and then moves into the future. 

A company’s culture sends a specific message to its customers.  When the customer has choices of products or services, their decision might come down to the values and culture the company portrays.

Corporate culture can affect the customer experience.  When employees are aligned and believe in the company and its values, this comes out through their interactions with the public.  Believe it or not, a customer can sense the disconnect.  Making customer service a measurement of the company’s success will put it in focus.  Ensuring the employees are empowered and secure creates job satisfaction and buy-in to the intended culture.