Sharing Data over the Hybrid Space

Hybrid work environments are not the only consideration we face. We also face hybrid cloud storage issues. I led an Organizational Change Management initiative for a client who set up a hybrid cloud storage system. While some of the storage physically sat with the client. Other storage sat hundreds of miles away. All of the information stored could be accessed at the push of a button despite the location of that information.

The pandemic has shifted the IT focus toward remote worker support. We’ve experienced an increase in digital conferencing usage. 76% of respondents to the Nutanix survey reported thinking more strategically about IT while 46% have invested more in hybrid cloud use. What does this mean for leadership? Information is more accessible than ever. Whether you are in the company office or your home office, you can get the information required to move the needle on business. It also means that leading large numbers of people in a global company truly means that employees could be virtually anywhere in the world and still accomplish whatever is necessary.

This also means that the speed at which we function is a reminder of how deliberate and thoughtful we want to be when communicating, in order to minimize glitches and missed deadlines for projects to get completed. Other measures that are becoming commonplace and effective in the corporate space include mindfulness training, meditation, and more focus on the mind, body, and soul of leadership. The holistic approach to leading teams is growing.