Founder’s Corner

What do Eleanor Roosevelt, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Warren Buffet, and Beyonce Knolls have in common? They all possess a challenge with speaking to an audience.

Hello, I’m Byron Darden and welcome to this addition of Leading with Purpose On Purpose.

Throughout the course of our 7 month series on The Executive VOICE we’ve covered values based leadership, when leaders focus on achieving goals seen through the lens of their personal values much of which aligns with the values their organizations hold dear.

We’ve addressed openness that a leader profits from demonstrating by taking the time and interest to tap into their team’s views and opinions regarding whatever project in which they are all jointly engaged.

We even explored the need for leaders to practice the principles of intentionality in all aspects of their lives with the hope that being intentional becomes their default way of leading.

There’s also the concept of consistency in leadership delving into the idea that consistency is the name of game. Especially when you want customers to develop the grow, like and trust factor in products and services offered to them.

And there’s the overwhelming amount of data that greatly suggests that, when a leader succeeds at engaging their stakeholders, be them customers, employees, suppliers, communities and in the case of publicly held companies, shareholders . . . So much more can be accomplished in building a healthy bottom line.

This all leads to grounding the all inclusive Executive Voice. Which we complete in this final installment addressing what we hear and see from a leader who exemplifies The Executive VOICE.
