Balance and Trust

In the marketplace, we tend not to trust when consistency is absent. We hold back and sometimes pivot in a new direction for substantive familiarity. We may prefer to deal with the devil we know rather than the one we do not know. Because of this, the game of consistency tends to rule. The more you can be counted on as a leader, the more comfort you generate for your team.

In a world of impermanence, how do we create balance with consistency? Here are some questions to consider. See how they resonate with putting you in the comfort zone of consistency that seems to count for so much to reach success.

  • Do I communicate my expectations clearly and consistently to team members?
  • Do I consistently demonstrate clear values and ethics in my decision-making?
  • Am I reliable in meeting deadlines and following through on commitments?
  • Do I treat everyone on my team fairly, regardless of background or personality?
  • Do I consistently seek feedback from team members and use it to improve myself and the team?
  • Do I hold myself accountable for actions and mistakes and hold my team members to the same standards?
  • Do I consistently support my team in their professional growth and development?
  • Do I consistently strive for excellence and encourage my team to do the same?

After answering these questions, do you see yourself as a consistent leader? Or are there areas for improvement? Consistency is a skill you can nurture.