Intentionality is a recipe for a successful business and a well-prepared meal. It is crucial to remember that leading with a purpose on purpose will carry you just as far as preparing a meal with the correct recipes, proper ingredients, ample time, and focus on what happens when and for how long.
Since intentionality’s prime components are based on mental categories, our beliefs, awareness, and desires can be socially evaluated for their impact on assessing blame and responsibility.
Being intentional is about bringing focus and attention to the task at hand. It’s getting clear on the results – the how and the why. It allows you to build trust, create space for others, recognize contributions, and achieve goals.
Being intentional is also about being your true self. Get clear on what you want and pinpoint your purpose. Determine your values and limits. When life throws you lemons, will you make lemonade or throw the lemons back? Becoming clear on your beliefs and feelings will make bringing focus much more accessible.