Embrace Hybrid Work Opportunities

“Success in a hybrid work environment requires employers to move beyond viewing remote or hybrid environments as a temporary or short-term strategy and to treat it as an opportunity.” George Penn, VP at Gartner
While a hybrid work environment brings challenges, it can also save money and create efficiencies. When done well, job satisfaction increases. The taste of remote work has many employees wanting to continue the trend even as employers migrate back to the office environment.
Overcoming the barriers in communication and creating a productive team where all are heard and valued is a challenge faced by those in a leadership role. While you cannot stop by a team member’s office to check on progress, you can develop a relationship of trust and mentorship. Making sure an employee is treated in a just manner whether in the office or remote, takes forethought. Each person on your team may have specific requirements you will want to address in order for team members to be a productive.
When your role is leading a team in the hybrid work environment, there are tips to make it run smoothly. Remember, leading a hybrid team is not a one-size-fits-all solution. I would be thrilled to schedule a strategy session where we can discuss your particular challenges and develop a game plan for success. Start by taking the quiz at www.byrondarden.com. I look forward to connecting and supporting you in more effectively connecting with your team!